Hartful Living: Connect to Your Capacity with Gaia Hart, MA, CEC, CEO (Chief Energizing Officer)

Top Talent Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

September 3, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

People I meet who are contemplating jumping into the deep waters of independent income earnings always wonder if they can do it, do they have what it takes, and should they even be thinking about it. A recent survey of

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Insert: Insert Energy Into Your Day

August 16, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By

Fill your day with energy inserts, short breaks, breathing room, downtime, toys, and playful items that speak to you and that are appropriate or allowed in your workplace. Studies show that using colored pens, stickers, and getting creative will cause

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What Energizes a Workplace and a Workforce, Anyway? The Softer Side of Leadership

July 29, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By

I began studying what energizes individuals about 30 years ago and it morphed into researching what energizes organizations in the 1990’s. It was fascinating to me how some people had so much energy to burn and others seemed drained much

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CTRL – Control Your Life and Your Immediate Environment

July 12, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By

Take control of your immediate circle of influence. You don’t always have control over what comes your way, but you have the power to control your state of mind and reactions to whatever life hands you. When you change your

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On Being Happy, How to Happify Your Life

July 1, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By

It’s a funny thing this happiness trend. Like when you buy a new car and then you keep noticing all the cars on the road like yours because it’s on your radar. I keep having these happiness studies, books, websites and

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Home: How is Your Home Life?

June 24, 2014 | Posted in Living Hartfully | By

Is your home a sanctuary of safety and security or is it a part-time job? Is your home a place to unwind or it is a place that winds you up tight? Take a look at the emotional and physical

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How Do You Do Conflict? Are You in Conflict over Substance or Style?

June 9, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By

I recently read in another Leadership blog citing a study of top leaders that found they spend up to 26% of their day doing conflict management. With that kind of time related to solving conflicts at work, it behooves us

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More on Happiness and Your Health

June 1, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By

It begins with happiness. Happiness is not the end state. Happiness is the starting point that leads to all kinds of positive things in your life including your health. Choosing to insert moments of happiness into your day (I call

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