April 14, 2010 | Posted in: Leading Hartfully
It may seem like a huge leap to jump from a W-2 to the life of an entrepreneur. One of the biggest leaps of faith is to have faith in yourself. There won’t be anybody giving your evaluations like you may be used to. Oh, there will be evaluations, just not coming in the form you expected.
And there won’t be a tidy game plan, organizational chart or operations manual or supervisor to show you the way. You make your own way. You trust your own self and your own way. You just know as you go, and you build it as you go.
Coming from corporate or moving from a j-o-b that demanded you have everything figured out before you started a project is a far cry from how many entrepreneurs operate in a more fluid way. If an emerging entrepreneur waited to have everything figured out before they started, they would never get going.
It’s a complete mind-shift to just knowing the right people, tools and resources will show up when you need them. It’s faith in yourself and the Universe that you (or somebody or something) will figure it out when it is most needed. Trusting yourself that you will get the help you need when you need it may relieve some of the anxiety to be all-knowing before you go. If you don’t go first, you will never know.
So start going right now in the direction your heart is taking you. Get ready, get good and get going. Just know that the bridge will be built as you walk. Your way will be shown as you move forward. Like a shark, just keep moving forward to stay alive. You will know if you just go.
Now go claim your FREE 50-page Special Report on Energizing Your Work, Wealth, Workplace & Well-being and let me know how I can help you get going.

Gaia Hart
As the CEO (Chief Energizing Officer) at Hartful Living including GaiaHart.com and BizBuilderCards.com; I’m a Messenger and Mentor for women entrepreneurs, connecting them to their capacity to energize their work and their lives in the art of living Hartfully. At BizBuilderCards.com, you can make a living through giving with greeting cards and gifts to build your network net worth as an additive to your current business or an easy way to send gratitude and kindness to the world.