May 31, 2007 | Posted in: Living Hartfully

Have you ever noticed how much your clutter can weigh you down? There’s a physical negative energy dragging you down with your clutter. It weighs on your mind and it fills up your life space so that new energy cannot enter into your life. I’ve been in major purge mode lately, from the physical clutter in my life to the mental clutter and other noise and distractions. It’s such a freeing feeling to let go of things and stuff that are just not working for you any more. Get clear on what to do and what do drop, then take action and move forward to get things moving in your life.

If you’re feeling stuck, then change something in your life to get things moving. Having moved at least 15 times in the past 25 years, I’m getting good at letting go of what’s not bringing me joy in more and what I don’t absolutely need. I also don’t want to pay to move stuff. Just think about how much money your stuff is costing you in larger homes, storage fees, moving fees etc. Is your stuff really worth all the financial or emotional cost?

I’ve found that once you make a decision to take action, the rest falls in to place, it’s the hemming and hawing and miring yourself in the decision making that takes time. It’s the DECISION that’s the turning point. Once you DECIDE that something is no longer offering personal or professional growth, it may be time to move on. What is weighing you down in your life? What can you purge to get your energy unstuck? What isn’t serving you any more? What is your internal or external clutter costing you? External clutter is the stuff you can trip over, give to charity, or give to the dumpster and internal clutter is the stuff in your mind, your old belief systems, old ways of doing things or other behaviors that don’t serve you any more. What else can you clear out of your life that is holding you back to unclear the bad energy? Decide to take action and see what happens!

As the CEO (Chief Energizing Officer) at Hartful Living including and; I’m a Messenger and Mentor for women entrepreneurs, connecting them to their capacity to energize their work and their lives in the art of living Hartfully. At, you can make a living through giving with greeting cards and gifts to build your network net worth as an additive to your current business or an easy way to send gratitude and kindness to the world.

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