February 17, 2011 | Posted in: Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman
Uncovering your brilliance isn’t a puzzle to solve. Rather it’s a puzzle to dis-solve. It’s distilling some of the bigger picture things you do when you’re in flow and identifying precisely what you’re doing when you’re in the zone. Being in the flow is when time disappears and you’re so caught up in the activity and absorbed mentally, that you don’t notice how much time has passed.
Discovering your brilliance can come as subtle hints. Glimmers of insight are good. Pay attention to how you feel and what you’re doing when you’re firing on all pistons. When you’re operating at optimum brain capacity and the challenge meets your unique skills, but doesn’t overshadow your abilities; you’re in flow.
Identify what you’re doing when you’re in your flow and then dissect it and dissolve it down to the pure activity where your unique knowledge, skills and abilities mesh with your sense of purpose. For instance here’s how it may look: enlightening others to discover their purpose and uplevel their work and their lives. Distilling further using my unique abilities: creating innovative ways to wake people up to themselves and attain further self actualization to better serve others. And even further filtered: as a mentor and messenger – creating artful, fun, experiential methods/activities to incite insight in entrepreneurs and execs to live/work in their potential and purposeful place of brilliance and live fully expressed to improve the world.
Some easy ways to find out if the work you’ve chosen is intersecting your purposeful place of brilliance is the Tingle Test. Do you get tingles of excitement when you think about your current business or does it leave you flat? Do you feel energized or exhausted from your work? Does time fly or does it drag on when you’re doing your work? Are you feeling success or strife and struggle? Do you feel fulfilled or frustrated? Are you feeling more or less fully expressed when you’re finished doing your work each day?
If you need guidance in figuring out your place of purpose and brilliance; I can help you uncover your purpose through a scientific method that was put in your hands – your personal GPS, Greater Purpose System. Take the time to write a list of your unique abilities, and the activities when you’re in flow and what you believe to be your purpose and reason for your work. Start the flow of ideas, brainstorm on paper and get the ideas incubating, then contact me to crack the code to your calling and decipher your life purpose to guide you toward the right path so you can pass the Tingle Test.
Your true purpose is in your hands. Send me an email to set up your session which will help you set up your life on the right track. You’ll get two coaching sessions as a jump start to your place of purpose living in the full expression of your brilliance. More later on living at upper levels or lower levels of your capacity.

Gaia Hart
As the CEO (Chief Energizing Officer) at Hartful Living including GaiaHart.com and BizBuilderCards.com; I’m a Messenger and Mentor for women entrepreneurs, connecting them to their capacity to energize their work and their lives in the art of living Hartfully. At BizBuilderCards.com, you can make a living through giving with greeting cards and gifts to build your network net worth as an additive to your current business or an easy way to send gratitude and kindness to the world.