December 29, 2010 | Posted in: Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman
It’s that time of year when I look back and look forward and do a gap analysis. I look at my past rear in review and match it to my former Hot 100 List, my list of at least 100 things that I wanted to accomplish in my life. Being a card-carrying member of the over-achiever’s club, I always have more than 100 just to stretch my thinking and look forward to past the current year. Resolutions, schmesolutions. These aren’t your grandma’s New Year’s list. This is a lifeforce all it’s own. Your compass for living and leading the life you love.
I’ve been doing this list and this exercise officially since 1984 with a written list and a purposeful time set aside to create it, dream and renew my goals and desires for the big plans I have for me. I take thoughtful time to reflect on the past year, lessons learned, what don’t I want any more, what do I want to start doing and stop doing and keep the same or pump up the volume.
It’s not necessarily a bucket list, although you can incorporate items that may be on your bucket list. It can be simpler lifestyle goals, health benchmarks, financial goals or personal achievements. I had one item that was on my list before I even had a written list. It was on my list for 27 years. And you can imagine the celebration I had when it finally came true. Some of my items are only on for a year or a few weeks before I get to cross them off. Some items I find I don’t want any more – life changes. It’s not about necessarily reaching those specific goals, it’s about creating them and allowing yourself to dream big dreams for your life.
To make sure I cover my bases on the left brain and right brain and all senses side; I not only write down in numbered style in long hand, pen to paper, but I also create a vison board with photos and phrases. I used to cut and paste magazine photos onto posterboard. Now I do my collage digitally so I can make a custom greeting card using a simple software and send myself the card with my vision board as well as my affirmations and life purpose on it. I have one at my desk and one in my purse at all times to keep me reminded of why I do what I do and what I want for my life. It comes in very handy during wait times in airports and waiting rooms.
Along with your Hot 100 List, I suggest you write out your ideal day putting pen to paper – no typing any of this out. Your heart and your body hear it better and internalize hand-written things over the typed word. Make the head and heart connection by writing out in long hand how you want your ideal day to go in excruciating detail. Give yourself time and permission to take this very seriously. Most people spend more time writing up their holiday gift list than doing this special gift list for themselves.
Stay tuned for our upcoming free teleclass on cracking the code to your life purpose. Doing your Hot 100 List and your Ideal Day exercise will help you clarify your path and prepare for our call. Be looking for our special offer to those who want to work with us and discover your own life purpose which is in your DNA. You have it at your fingertips. Let us help you understand how you’re supposed to move through this world. Looking forward to seeing you on the call on 2 February.

Gaia Hart
As the CEO (Chief Energizing Officer) at Hartful Living including and; I’m a Messenger and Mentor for women entrepreneurs, connecting them to their capacity to energize their work and their lives in the art of living Hartfully. At, you can make a living through giving with greeting cards and gifts to build your network net worth as an additive to your current business or an easy way to send gratitude and kindness to the world.