>: Believe in a Power Greater Than You – Whatever/Whoever It Is

July 19, 2016 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By Gaia Hart
Mother Nature, Buddha, Jehovah, Jesus, Mohammed, Allah, God, or the goodness in life – whatever it is that gives you strength to carry on and follow the golden rule, most experts now believe that participating in a religious activity lowers your response to stress and is good for your health.
It doesn’t necessarily mean going to temple or church, it can also mean taking a walk in the woods or being silent on a beach, just doing something that feeds your soul helps you reap the benefits. It may be the social contact of gathering with other worshippers or it may be the meditative quality of a religious and spiritual experience that relaxes our bodies and minds. Whatever it is, your belief carries great strength and energy. With it, you see the big picture and all the wonder that is outside of yourself.
Don’t be afraid to ask your deity of choice for more energy to handle your life. When we expect more, we receive more, and we do more. Believe in yourself and believe in something greater than yourself and believe that you deserve all the goodness that comes to you to help build up your energy. Using meditation or prayer to put yourself in a relaxed, meditative state in peaceful surroundings for at least 15-20 minutes at a time is an effective means for recharging and overcoming fatigue.
Stilling your mind and your body helps to bring clarity and calmness to your life. Assuming a “de-stress” position during meditation increases the benefits while you slowly and deeply inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth using your diaphragm to move the air in and out. Lie on your back with your feet and legs resting on a chair seat or bed, and with your calves at a 90 degree angle to your thighs. This position promotes blood flow to the brain and allows your neck, shoulders, and back to relax and release the fatigue. If you are in a space that won’t allow this position, at least get in a comfortable chair in a quiet place to help you wind down and stop the spinning world for a few minutes.
Prayer can also be implemented during this quiet time to help you gain perspective and gain some guidance on your life circumstances. The power of prayer has been around for eons – why not put it to work for you? Taking the time out just to be quiet and listen to your body and your mind or maybe your higher power, helps us recharge and regain our balance.
How Self -Talk Affects Success

May 7, 2012 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
What we think about, we bring about and we give energy to what we focus on. So as long as we complain about our current circumstances, our mind will focus on it and keep us stuck. By continually thinking, talking, writing, complaining aobut a current situation; we are continually reinforcing the very same neural pathways in our brain that got us there in the first place.
We need to send different vibrations to our brains and create different neural pathways by thinking, doing, writing about, reading about, speaking about and envisioning the reality that we want to create. If we keep these thoughts on the top of our mind, we can get unstuck and move our way towards the success we want, edging out the old stuff that we don’t want without thinking about it. The way to get unstuck is to take action and actions start with thoughts. We must flood our brain with unconscious thoughts and conscious thoughts and images of this new reality. This is why vision boards or treasure maps of what we want in our lives is so vitally important – to give our brain something to land on.
Stop telling your hard luck story. Stop all the stories that got you stuck or in your current circumstance because it will keep you there. Just shut up about it already. If somebody asks, then all you need to say is that you know more now than you did yesterday and then do what politicians do and change the topic to what you’re doing now and in the future to create your new future. I once started in a join venture with some other speakers and authors to talk about life’s transitions. It became clear to me that if I continued down that path to speak about and write about the tough stories and how it catapulted us into life transitions, that it would keep me stuck in the story. Once I was enlightened to this fact, I immediately and abruptly pulled out of the venture to save my own success and sanity and to stop the story dead in its tracks. One of the best decisions I ever made and in the nick of time before it did any more damage.
Get ouf of the endless negative self-talk loop. The self-talk starts with a thought, then comes out of your mouth or stays in your brain only talking to you, then if affects your self-image and your subconscious takes over and believes what you say and think and then that affects your performance because you believe that’s who you are. If you want to be successful, you must jam the negative self-talk airwaves and replace it with more positive self-talk, beliefs and stop the negative stories. Focus on what you want and not on what you don’t want.
One way to do this is to do a vision board. I have created one inside my medicine cabinet so I see it at least twice per day when I brush my teeth and get ready for the day and when I get ready to turn in for the night. I start my day with images of what I want my day and my life to look like and I have those images fresh in my brain to dream about when my mind is most receptive to images. I also have created a tri-panel card from BizBuilderCards.com that I carry with me in my purse so when I’m waiting in lines or have some extra time, I look at the photos and read my affirmations. I’ve also taken photos of my vision boards and carry it with me on my Iphone.
Another way is to write down positive affirmations in the present tense, as if they already happened. If you writ them in a negative fashion of what you don’t want, it puts that image in your brain and you start focusing on that. If you write in a future tense, your subconscious will always keep it in the future, just out of reach. Start focusing on who you are now, who you want to be, what you want to do and what you want to have. Be, Do, Have. It must start with Be. Be the person you want to be and do the things you want do to and then you will have the things you want to have. It starts with thoughts and self-talk about who you want to be and your subconscious and your body and your life will follow.