Cracking the Code to Your Calling: Unveiling Your Life Purpose

January 16, 2011 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
Have you ever wondered if you’re on the right path? Doing the work you were put here to do? Do you sometimes feel out of whack with your work or feel like you’re in the wrong job or the wrong place? Is your business lacking the cash flow, clients or customers you want? Are you living your life fully expressed and getting paid to do what you were meant to do?
Perhaps you’re not working in alignment with your true calling? Or what you thought was your life purpose needs to be tweaked to get into the flow? Or maybe you don’t have a clue as to your calling, you just took whatever job was available or your work chose you?
Discover some of the telltale signs that you’re out of alignment at where we have 70 ways to tell if you’re living inside or outside of your purpose in January’s blog posts. Then join us on our free preview call on how your life purpose can be revealed. It’s all in your own hands. It’s not just what you think and want, it’s your own personal life blueprint mapped out for you even before birth. Let us help you read your blueprint and help you build a life you’ll love as you turn your purpose into prosperity. LIsten to our recorded teleclass at:
You’re in the right place to learn how you can know, really know, your life’s purpose and your true calling. We all have our personal GPS, our Greater Purpose System, in our own hands. Our life’s purpose is literally at our fingertips and we have the scientific technology to be able to access it and crack the code to our true calling. We’re born with it, it never changes and when we’re aligned with it, we experience flow. We have flow of love, money, business, and we are in tune with our life lessons as well as our life purpose. Life just gets easier once you know you’re on the right track. We were put here with all the tools and resources we need to do our Universal Job. And it’s in our own hands.
Join Margaret Shebalin, Prosperity Master, Life Coach, Licensed Practitioner and Life Purpose Analyst ( along with Gail Hahn, MA, CSP, CEO, Chief Energizing Officer, Speaker, Author and Executive Coach ( as they review what it’s all about on this free preview call, and how you can claim your calling easily and effectively. Together they will cover the four life schools and what they mean. Find out how you fit into your life school, your life lesson, and learn how you can explore why people buy from you. Are you marketing the right things to the right people and are you in the right business? Come find out what Gail and Margaret have learned from their own journeys after their life purpose was revealed and validated, and learn how you too can crack the code on your calling and move forward with confidence in your calling.
We recorded the call for you at so you can listen to this impactful 37-minute teleclass at : Join us and other thought leaders on Facebook at The Energized Entrepreneur Network Group or at the Facebook Fan Page: Gail Hahn CEO, Chief Energizing Officer if you want to know about living a life fully expressed and getting paid for your purpose. We’ll help you turn your passions and purpose into profits if you follow your right path. Looking forward to helping you crack the code to your calling and sharing our insider secrets to success and significance with you.
Cheers To Your FUNomenal Success!
Are You Leaving Your Job to Live Your Life?

January 6, 2011 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
I adore working with entrepreneurs and execs who get it. Those who have found their calling and are living their purpose. Those who are enlightened who have a blurred line between work and play and who wake up excited that they get to be paid for doing what they love. It thrills me to work with those who are discovering their right livlihood and I get very excited to help show them the way to themselves and the work they can do as a full expression of who they are.
Stay tuned for an upcoming special promotion to help you find your true purpose, your life school, your life lessons and your life’s calling. It’s all in your hands and with the help of a colleague and myself, we can help you find your right path on your journey from success to signifacance. I’ve experienced it myself and it was a true validation that what I’m doing as an Artist and Messenger in the Community Spotlight is the right path.
Some of us had an inkling since we were very young. Some of us knew in our gut something about what we wanted to do in our lives and some of us are still searching or not sure how to listen to our intuition that guides us in the right direction. What I found was the affirmation that what I loved doing, speaking, writing, communicating, teaching and leading and creating community within a group was right on target. Sometimes just because you’re good at something doesn’t mean you should be doing it.
What I’ve learned while working with those that are not yet enlightened, or those in the world of the employee mentality is that most of the world’s workers need to leave their job to lead their life. So many millions of workers just endure their job instead of enjoy their work. They live for their 10-minute break, they can’t wait for their 30-minute lunch, they RUN to their cars at the end of their shif to get away from their job. Their eyes are dull, they’re just enduring the hours until they can go. It’s very sad. They can’t start living until they leave their post. It’s deadening, it’s draining and it hurts to see it and experience it. I’ve experienced it myself when I’m not working my right livlihood. When I’m not around higher-energy people or higher-vibrating environments. I can feel the energy, or lack thereof. I can sense it immediately when walking into a workplace of a client. Sometimes I wonder how they stay in business with such dead energy. I’m always up for a challenge to help them turn things around.
What I decided in college while comisserating with one of my fellow recreation majors when we realized our chosen major didn’t pay as well we the engineering majors or business school grads; was that I would rather be happy every day of my life than unhappy for 5 days a week so I could be happy for 2 days per week. I knew right then to make my life’s work fun, enjoyable, in alignment with my purpose in order to be fufilled, prosperous and engaged.
When we’re not in alighment, not engaged, not plugged into the purpose of what we’re doing, it’s draining on all parts of our life. Are you in alignment with your calling? Are you working your life’s work so it feels more like play? Is the line blurred between your work and the rest of your life? I knew there was really no line between the two when I was running outdoor recreation trips across Europe, Aftrica and Asia for a decade. I got paid to play and take others on adventures. They paid and took vacation leave to do what I was being paid overtime to do. When I took vacations, I would do the exact same thing as when I was working – take my friends on trips and wild adventures to foreign lands. That’s when you know you’re on the right path – do you still live while you’re on the job? Are you feeling fully expressed when you work or do you wait to clock out to do that?
If you’re not getting paid to express your full, authentic knowledge, skills, abilities and talents, then why not? If you’re still seeking your calling or wondering about your purpose, then send me an email at and we’ll schedule a session and tune you into our upcoming program. If you’re just wondering what’s it all about, Alfie, then send me an email and stay tuned for more details on living your life’s purpose and how you can find out precisely what it is. It’s all in your hands and has been your entire life. My colleague and I can help you crack the code on your life’s purpose. Let us show you how.
If you’re dreading mornings, if you physically feel your energy draining away as you drive closer to work, if you hate your commute, feel a surge of energy when you leave your workplace, become more vibrant as you clock out, then you have the warning signs that you’re not leading the right life. If you’re working witout purpose and just for a paycheck, then you’re not working on purpose. If you’re more excited about your time off than your time in, then you may need to re-check your purpose. We can help you find your right path.