Success Leaves Breadcrumbs

February 7, 2012 | Posted in Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
Success is all around you and it isn’t happening in a vacuum. If you want a shortcut to success, follow the breadcrumbs of those who have been along the path. You can see the breadcrumb trail leading to others’ success and what may seem to be an overnight sensation; was really a result of many years of breadcrumbs leading up to one moment when you, or the world, became aware of the hard work and choices leading up to the point of awareness of success.
If you want to find success, follow the breadcrumbs of those who have been there and seek their guidance. Look for those in an industry where you have talent, passion, interest, and a burning desire to be successful. A path that is in true alignment with your purpose and essense. One that holds the ways and means of what your life’s work is meant to be. It doesn’t mean grunting it out in a profession just because your parents want you to do it, or because the experts said it was a current industry darling where you can make some money. Remember in the movie, The Graduate? Plastics was the answer. Nope, not plastics, your true essence and using your gifts and talents to serve the world is the answer.
You don’t have a money problem, you have an idea problem. To get more ideas along the right path; use a shortcut and ask for directions from an expert or successful person who has already travelled the path. Research role models, mentors and coaches who can show you the way and shadow somebody. It will take years off your learning curve and cost much less in the long run by avoiding bad decisions and rabbit holes. It will help you get unstuck with what you’re doing now or not doing to get to success.
Sometimes we get stuck by re-creating the same experience over and over by using the same limiting thoughts, maintaining the same beliefs and doing and thinking the same thing because that’s all we know. We need others who have already accomplished what we want to shake our thoughts loose and give us a new paradigm of possibilities. We need to replace our limiting beliefs and loosen our grip of what we “know” to be able to look outside our comfort zone and see what’s waiting for us just outside our zone of comfort. Find somebody who will shake loose those limiting beliefs. Take a good look at what you believe – are they based on truth or just because you’ve always done it or thought it, or that’s the way your parents taught you. I’ll give you a clue….your parents weren’t always right.
Find other role models and coaches who have studied and practiced success. Read about their breadcrumbs, contact them to buy some of their time and listen to what they share on their path to success. Find out what it takes and then start leaving some breadcrumbs of your own. Let me know how I can help you along your path to success and help get you unstuck with your limiting beliefs so you can enjoy a successful life you deserve.