? Question Your Actions – Are They Merely Obligations?

October 4, 2015 | Posted in Leading Hartfully | By

To avoid having to say no to obligations, schedule both your personal and professional time on your calendar. When somebody requests your time, your calendar can say no for you. This helps ease the guilt in some of us who have a hard time saying no to requests on our time.

If what you are doing is not moving you forward toward one of your written goals, life’s mission, or ideal vision, then it may not be something you should be doing. How does your future look based on your current actions? Are you reacting to somebody else’s goals and expectations, or are you working towards your own?

You may be surprised at how much time is freed up when you renounce obligatory actions and only take on actions which come from your heart. Question the requests made on your time. Remember that our time is our life energy? Is that request worth a part of your life? Question how you want to spend your time and your life and guard your time as ferociously as you guard an “important” appointment. If we don’t guard our time, nobody else will either. Is your activity a “have to”, a “should do”, a “want to” or an “I’d love to.”? Your answer will tell you if it’s an obligation or not.


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