Dreaming, Desires and Doing

June 22, 2013 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
Daydreaming is a good thing, bigger dreams bring on a bigger life. . . but only if you are doing something to achieve those dreams. What you want doesn’t just, POOF, appear while you’re sitting on the couch. As one saying goes, “as you pray, move your feet”. That means make a plan and do something about achieving what you want.
Your desires are your homing device signaling your conscious self from your subconscious self about what you truly want in your life. If you have the desire for it, you have the resources for it, period. Thos with bigger dreams attract others into their lives who also have big dreams. I know I’ve posted previously about DECIDING to take action, DECIDING what you want as the indeispendible first step to getting the things you want in your life. You first become aware of what you want and bring it into your conscious sphere, then you decide if it’s something you want to work for or take action towards.
The Universe takes orders and your thoughts, dreams and desires are your order for the Universe. Fries, baked potato or mashed? Make your decision and step forward in faith in that direction to take action towards what you desire. Without faith in the Universal law and without faith in the process, you keep one foot behind (just in case it doesn’t work like you’ve heard it does) and only one foot forward, and then you’re stuck. Ever feel stuck? Perhaps it’s because you don’t have faith in the process, faith in the Universe and you get stuck stepping out of your comfort zone. More on comfort zones in future posts. You must decide and then jump in with both feet to move you towards your desires and the Universe will conspire in your favor to make it happen. People and opportunties will be brought into your path that you never noticed before once you’re on your true path of your dreams and desires.
You must believe it is possible, because you get what you expect. You must be committed to staying in the positive when you think about and speak about your “I am” statements because anything you say after “I am” will come looking for you. Avoid the negative in any of your statements that concern you or what you want so you don’t mix up your order with the Universe. Be very clear with your orders to the Universe so there is no question about what you want.
Setting big goals to move you towards your big dreams is the first step in creating momentum and acting on your desires. If you’re ever bored or don’t wake up with a burning desire, then you don’t have a big enough goal. Take stock of your dreams and desires and take 100% accountability for what results from your actions. We create our world around us from what we thought about, did and created in the past. Our choices of yesterday created our today.
We created it – not the economy, not your mother, not the job, not your family, not any other misfortune. We did. We create our reality – 100% accountability. Sometimes it sucks to be respsonsible for all that. It sure is easier to blame the economy or where you live or your boss, or colleagues or kids or whatever, but the buck really stops with us. We must take 100% accountability for our choices, our outcomes, our dreams, desires and what we do about them. You know you’re on the right path towards your true true purpose and the big dreams when your joy is bursting out of you. Your inner guidance system is your joy. Things that bring the biggest joy are in alignment with your purpose and the right dreams and desires in alignment with your purpose – that’s how you know you’re on the right path.
When your dreams and desires and your doing are in alignment with your true life purpose, then all of your actions automatically serve others. It’s when your actions, thoughts, desires and wants are not serving others and only serving you that you should know you are out of alignment. AND it may all fall away because the Universe likes us to serve others and improve the world and expand, not contract and be selfish. Just sayin…..
What are your dreams and desires? Are they big enough to fill your heart? Are they serving others? Or are they only serving you? When we have a goal big enough, that in the process of achieving it, we become someone worth becoming too. It may be scary big – why not think BIG to create the momentum and get you unstuck? What are you DOING to move you towards your dreams and desires? It helps to write things down. We have too much swimming in our heads to remember it all. Write down your dreams, who they serve, write down everything you want.
Sometimes it helps to write down everything you DON’T want on one side of a paper and then write the opposite on the other side. Sometimes it’s easier for know what you don’t want than what you do want because society conditions us that way. THEN, what are you doing to get there? What is the gap analysis? What are your goals and objectives to move you in the direction of your dreams and desires? Do you have a plan of action? What is your order to the Universe and do you have faith that it will be delivered and the resources will be made available to you as you need them to make it happen?
You Know You’re Living Your Life Purpose When…

January 12, 2011 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
There are so many people who don’t really know when they are in or out of alignment. It’s the same as your car. If you’re out of alignment, things don’t feel right. You keep going, but it’s a little shaky, things don’t run smoothly and you may hear rumblings around you. Some of us know when something isn’t quite right and still others may not even recognize when things are in perfectly in place and on purpose. They don’t know when to celebrate that they’re doing it just how they are meant to be doing it.
That’s why the Hot 100 List and the Ideal Day exercises are so critically important. To help you do a gap analysis and see what you wanted in your life and when you have it, you need to celebrate victory. Sometimes we need some hints on how we’re doing in life just as we had or have performance evaluations from a former or current job. As entrepreneurs, we don’t get the official evaluations in our work – our bank accounts can attest to how we’re doing, but it doesn’t cover all the bases.
So I submit to you some hints on what living a purposeful life looks like. How it feels and what are the signs of living in alignment with your life purpose and doing your calling. It may be something you aspire to do, be, have or feel, or it may be showing you it’s time to celebrate your success of living on purpose.
You know you’re living your life purpose when…
- You can’t turn off your brain with all the ideas swirling around on how to implement your plan
- You are excited to wake up each morning and get to your life’s work
- You feel happy, optimistic, exuberant and excited about life and your future
- You dwell in the realm of possibility and let nothing stop you from your goals and dreams
- You may have a lower tolerance for people who aren’t living on purpose, you want to surround yourself with other like-minded people living out their purpose and potential
- You don’t let the how’s stop you – you know your why and your what and everything else is just noise
- You feel lucky to live the life you do
- You can’t believe you actually get paid to have so much fun and just do what comes naturally
- You enjoy fun in your life and your sense of humor is very much intact – you’re happy
- You feel fulfilled, happy and perhaps not satisfied because there is more to do, bigger plans to implement and more people to help serve -you’re hungry to help others find what you’ve found
- Your bank account reflects your purposeful livelihood and you attract the right clients
- You attract the right people into your life and the right opportunities at the right time
- Your life is in flow at all levels personally and professionally
- You’re living your dreams and doing things you never thought possible in your early years
- You wonder why you didn’t take this step, know this, or learn this sooner – you want to share it all
- You’ve reached your point of enoughness and want to give away to others in need
- You’re living your life fully expressed and you get paid handsomely for using your knowledge, skills and abilities to the best of your ability
- You feel valued, wanted and in demand for your work – you’ve built a following of fans and advocates who you value just as much as they value you
- You’ve cut ties with those who don’t get it or who don’t support you in your dreams, those negative people who don’t have your best interest in their heart
- You’re proud of the efforts, successes and achievements of others, not jealous or envious of them
- You’re not trading your time for money – you’ve got passive income flowing in from your businesses and your investments
- You’re not ever bored
- Your voice is excited, you speak with power and confidence and enthusiasm – you love communicating your message to the world in various channels
- You admire your friends and colleagues and support what they do as they do with you
- The line is blurred between work and play – it’s just your life and what you do – it runs together
- When you’re working you’re in flow, the hours don’t matter, you don’t seek breaks and there is not official quitting time – when you’re done or tired or finished with a project or find a stopping point, you stop, otherwise you just keep going until you feel like stopping
- There is no mindset of part-time work or full-time work, it’s just life and you do your life
- You do your work for the sake of serving or doing what you do, you don’t do it for the paycheck – the money is a side effect of doing what you were born to do and put here to do
- You get to live your life on your own terms
- You wake up and decide what you want to do for the day and how you spend your time exactly how you want to spend your time and with whom
- You have challenges, but your vision, mission and purpose is much bigger than any challenge – your purpose is waaaaay bigger than anything put in its way
- You’re making rich memories for you and your family and friends – you are giving away more and tipping more and don’t’ worry about the cash flow – it flows in and out effortlessly
- Your relationships are healthy at all levels, you enjoy time for yourself and with loved ones – there is time to go around when you’re not in struggle
- Your life just works better all the way around
- You are proud of what you do, who you are and how you live and what you have and take pride in your actions and how you serve.
So if you can check off more than a few of these items, you deserve a little celebration of living your life on purpose and consciously choosing your calling. If you need some more insight on getting it all together and turbo-charging your calling, be on our call: Cracking the Code to Your Calling, Living Your Life Purpose – send me an email Gail@GailHahn.com.
Take a peek at this video on Freedom – freedom to be who you want to be and live the life you deserve with financial freedom and time freedom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbQIzcQzT-o&list=PLtUVv9eXCdIKmF4MMCOVMBuzeZ1nrrUQF