ACTUAL Social Networking with Clients, Colleagues, Friends & Family

June 22, 2010 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
A recent TV commercial for Coleman camping equipment stating that they were the original social networking site with their little green stoves reminded me that getting back to ACTUAL socializing has become a lost art.
Don’t get me wrong, I believe digital social networking is aaaahmazing and blogging is freedom of expression in its purest form. I also believe the lost art of actually visiting with people face to face and not just through facebook is a pretty cool thing. I also think that the art of sending cards and gifts through the snail mail postal system is another art that isn’t near extinction yet, but it’s been fading into the background.
Research shows that only 3% of our mail is personal and the rest is filled with marketing, logos and bills. More data suggests that 83% of people would rather receive a paper greeting card than an electronic greeting card. It means the sender spent a little more time thinking of you and spent a little extra care in creating or selecting the card. What would happen if you sent more greeting cards and gifts to friends, family, clients and colleagues?
What would happen if you became more social and invited them to lunch or to coffee to connect? What about sending them a Thanks a Latte card wiht a $5 or $10 Starbucks card in it and invite them to join you to catch up, to actually socialize and network.
The greeting card industry shows that most people send about 10 cards per year, but they have a need to send about 70 cards per year. Now you have a system at your disposal to actually send actual greeting cards, gift cards, gifts and postcards in a couple minutes from your computer for less than the cost of a retail greeting card. You can completely customize your cards with your handwriting and photos. When you click the SEND button, your card is printed, stuffed, stamped and mailed for you in 24 hours. I’m in love with this system of sending out cards and gifts.
It allows me to connect with my tribe on a regular basis and allows me to express how I feel about them simply and easily. The best part is it allows me to acknowledge and appreciate them and make their day. I know appreciation wins over self promotion every single time and what I send out comes back to me exponentially. I choose to send out positive vibes every single day to stay connected.
How are you choosing to stay connected with your network? How do you choose to socialize and actually meet, greet and make other’s days? I choose to add love, light and joy to my day by sending positive thoughts through pictures, words and deeds.
How are you making the days of your network? If you want to brighten somebody’s day, my treat, and test drive this vehicle for the Law of Attraction; send me an email at and I’ll set up a gift account for you to send a card on me. Let me know how it works out and how it feels to make somebody’s day with an unexpected social card.
Check out this and other videos on the page to view the power of gratitude and appreciation and how sending out to give can change lives:
Love: Energize Yourself, Your Connections & Your Business

July 11, 2008 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
I’ve been taking the most amazing teleclass about the 7 Mindset and Manifesting Secrets of Multimillionaires as well as reading much about the keys to success. Always open to learning more about the way people operate. What keeps popping up is the word LOVE. When we operate from love, everything else falls into place. When we operate from a powerful center of love and not from fear, everything is where it should be.
As my friend and business partner Mandy told me – everything turns out in the end and if it’s not turning out, it’s not the end.
My friend and business partner Jennifer told me the reason she got into the Send Out Cards business with me is that she always saw my happy, smiling face and the happy people around me at my trade-show tables. She said it looked like so much fun that she wanted to have that in her life. Because I LOVE what I do – almost always have and when I didn’t, I made changes to do what I did love to do. It shows. I can see huge differences in my energy when I’m doing what I love and helping other people do what they love.
Enabling the dreams of others and creating connections, building relationships, helping people and using communication – speaking, writing, Send Out Cards, books, blogs etc. is what gives me energy. People and my relationships to them give me energy. I send several cards every single day to people letting them know I appreciate them and building connections in my life. I know that love surrounds me – beauty surrounds me.
That’s why I moved to the beach. Walking on the beach 3 times per day with my dog Madison – I love it, she loves it. It’s inspiring. It makes me happy to see her happy. She was a rescue who was a puppy mill breeder. For 5 years she lived outside in a 10 x 10 pen in Missouri with no shelter, 5 other dogs with a cement pad and chainlink fence. She never had the pleasure of feeling her legs run. She never had the joy of romping more than 10 feet. Now when I see her face light up as she chases waves, squirrels, birds, bunnies – it brings me such joy. We have a connection that we both love our freedom to roam and run and romp as we choose.
What more can you put into your life that you love? What can you remove that you don’t love? What connections can you make to add more love into your life? Where can you live to do what you love? What connections can you sever in order to move closer to love in other areas of your life?
My friend and business partner Paul sent me this profound 3-minute video that’s all about love and connections. I’m a sucker for animal stories and this one is quite moving about the power of love. Get out your hankies – I’m pretty sure it will move you to tears as it did for me. Click HERE to watch it.
Keep in Touch With Online Snail Mail Cards

May 2, 2006 | Posted in Living Hartfully | By Gaia Hart
I’m on FIRE with excitement over another new way to keep in touch with everybody. Having moved about 13 times in about 20 years, it’s hard to keep up with everybody. I’ve just signed on with Send Out Cards – a fantastic way to keep in touch with clients, customers, partners, friends and family with the click of a mouse and it sends a real card they can hold in their hands from their snail mail box. You can customize the inside with your own greeting, your own photos, and your own handwriting and signatures. I even have Madison’s paw print as her signature. They give you 4 signatures in the program. All this for around a buck a card – and that even includes postage. All the cards are created one at a time, stuffed into envelopes, stamped, and mailed out of Utah – all you do is select people from your contact manager – which you can import from your other contact managers, create a message, click and send. No more going to the card store, waiting in line at the post office, or finding stamps…you can send a card in less than a minute. The longest time it takes is to select from the more than 5000 card styles they have. I will soon have my own personal collection on the site – I’m creating as fast as I can! Check it out – it’s awesome. Cards can only be mailed to US addresses…I think they can do APO’s, but no overseas mailing. If you want to test-drive the system, let me know and I will set you up with a free gift account – I will even pay for the postage.