What’s Your Happiness Factor?

July 6, 2008 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
Do you expect things to go your way – is the universe conspiring in your favor?
Do you have loving, supportive relationships?
Do you lead a purposeful life and live consciously?
Do you feel like you have some control over your time, your stuff, your space, your situation, your life?
Do you feel like you are in the flow of your work or personal interests – challenged enough to be interesting and enjoyable?
Do you have a positive outlook and practice some form of spirituality?
The more questions you could answer with a resounding YES, recent studies show that you are more likely to be happy than those who couldn’t answer an affirmative. Happy people exude energy. Energy begets energy. If you are not at the peak of your happiness factor; take a look at the areas in your life you could change. Surprisingly simple internal factors such as having a healthy self esteem, a sense of optimism and hope, gratifying relationships and meaningful purpose in your life have the most influence over your well-being.
Let go of the things that are out of your control and practice these bliss-booster tips to improve your happiness quotient:
- Upbeat attitude. When you change your mind, you change your energy and when you change your energy, you change your life. It all starts with a thought – make it a positive one. Setting your intentions to desired outcomes makes all the difference – we attract what we most think about. Where intention goes – energy flows.
- Create a loving, supportive network of your favorite people – get connected – see #5 below. To get good friends, you need to become a good friend. What are you doing to cultivate your relationships and make people’s days? A sense of belonging is not only good for us personally, but professionally as well. Having a good friend at work is one of the key essential elements of a good working environment.
- Hone in on your purpose – know why you are here and act in alignment with your purpose. Purpose brings passion.
- Think solutions – not problems. Your brain will answer any question you offer it. Instead of asking “What else can go wrong?” or “How did I get into this situation?”, ask “How can I turn this around?” or “What is my lesson and how can I learn from this and avoid it in the future?”.
- Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. When you’re grateful, you’re not fearful – count your blessings. Send a card to somebody to let them know you appreciate them at www.BizBuilderCards.com.
- Find your flow and get into it. Become engaged and focused in your activities – where challenge meets knowledge, skills and abilities.
- Cultivate healthy habits – eating, sleeping, exercise, spirituality and smile about it. When we smile, it stimulates the thymus gland, which makes us more resistant to disease. This little practice also tricks our physiology into thinking we are already happy and boosts our mood. As a Certified Laughter Leader, my research has found that laughing and smiling do indeed aid in your happiness factor.
Now take your own inventory and see which areas in your life need a boost. We create a happy life by stringing together happy moments and feeling in control of our life. Take control over the areas that are less than desirable in your life and go get happy. As Eckhart Tolle says, “Unhappiness is unintelligent”.