Merging Money, Meaning & Life Purpose: Free Training Course

May 2, 2010 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
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Put Your Purpose to Work: FREE Interactive Training

April 27, 2010 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By Gaia Hart
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Are you doing ‘work you love’ – work that you believe is your “purpose” but you’re not making much – if any money at it? Or maybe you’re stuck in the “daily grind” doing meaningless work just to pay the bills – and it’s sucking you dry.
If you’re like me, you love to feel the juice of being PAID for work you love, to be PAID for you PASSIONS – and making enough money to live the life you want to live! I’ve known since college that doing work you love, what’s in your heart is the way to go. Meaningless work just for the paycheck never held attraction for me. I’ve personally walked the path of passion and profit for most of my life, and have also walked off the path a few times just for the cash flow or for the shiny object of opportunity. It kills your soul and it doesn’t work for long.
What I discovered from Baeth, was that I indeed was walking mostly on my right path. It just felt right. She told me what was written in my fingerprints, what is written in all our fingerprints, our life purpose. It gave me validation and expanded my awareness of EXACTLY what it was I am supposed to do with my life.
She not only divulges your purpose, but your life lessons – the thing(s) that hold you back, kicks your ass, challenges you, so when it shows up you recognize it and move around it. She helps you chart your course, so you know when you’re on the right path. Once you are on purpose, the Universe conspires in your favor.
You may also be in an extremely RARE CATEGORY – you are doing work that you love (or at least once loved) and are getting paid for it. BUT you may have nagging desire for MORE alignment with who you really are, MORE IMPACT in the world – MORE Purpose.
You can release yourself from the bondage of not enough money, or working only for money, or feeling stuck once you you connect with one of the most brilliant teachers of authentic success I have yet to come across – Baeth Davis, founder of Baeth has created a SHORT VIDEO that will identify if you have any of the 7 Early Warning Signs of Being Stuck in Meaningless Work. Baeth has also created an unprecedented, totally FREE content-rich INTERACTIVE ONLINE TRAINING for stepping out of stuck, broke and meaningless once and for all.
Not Knowing the Precise Plan, the Blueprint, for YOUR specific Life Purpose – and, (this is extremely important) >> > exactly how to use this information to have the success you desire in business and life. Here’s a peek at her work.
Baeth’s brilliant work is based on a system that unlocks the information of your soul in a way that is objective and scientific. Once you have this information, your life can literally open up to you in ways you cannot even imagine. You’ll CONQUER “broke” on all levels forever and be on your way to authentic success in no time, the kind of success Baeth has created in her own business and life. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this CONTENT-RICH 3-PART INTERACTIVE TRAINING!
You can join Baeth here for FREE right now, but only for a limited time (the next 7 days in fact) after which it comes down for good. I can whole-heartedly endorse Baeth’s work, as it has unlocked several doors that I didn’t even know existed. Now knowing I am an Artist and Messenger in the Community Spotlight gives me the green light to get my message out, create community and enjoy the spotlight. One of the reasons I just inked a deal for an internet radio show called The Energized Entrepreneur and created aFacebook Group of the same name. It gives you permission.
How much longer will you wait? You have my permission to check it out –click here. (but only for a limited time!). Here’s to knowing your life purpose and living it for greater passion and profit in your life!