Creating Hartful Time to Renew & Recharge on an Energy Escape

November 15, 2013 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
It seems we’re being pulled in many directions by our personal and professional responsibilities. Leaders at work are answering to the front office and to their teams. Leaders at home are answering to friends, kids, spouses, faith, school, volunteer and sports groups. It’s a difficult challenge to honor free time spontaneously any more, so need to schedule some time for re-assessing our choices, reaffirming our paths, reconnecting with others who are like-minded, or not who have your best interest at heart.
I suggest planning a weekend getaway, or Energy Escape, to connect with close confidantes for brainstorming, master-minding and recharging your batteries. We tend to be in high gear producing and implementing and reacting to life at work and at home. Leaders sometimes have nobody to turn to at work to bounce ideas off of and discuss vulerabilities, possibilities and question their choices. Creating time and creating space with supportive friends and colleagues can help catapult you in the right direction and affirm what you are thinking is your direction, or help guide you down another path.
These gatherings can be weekly Success Teams or Mastermind Circles or quarterly gatherings or even larger annual affairs in person with emails and calls in between the weekend soiree. Hiring a coach to bounce things off of is another option. I find my clients and myself included tend to talk our way through situations better than if we just think it through in our heads on our own. The synergy of the group and the energy it brings to the issue results in a much better and clearer outcome. We tend to question ourselves and when we have the confirmation of a group of knowledgeable and respected professionals and friends; we get it faster and it sticks. There’s something about accountability and knowing others are believing in you and counting on you to do what you say that helps propel us forward in the right direction.
I’ve experienced a few of those weekend gatherings recently which I call Energy Escapes, and have another planned in the near future. They are uplifting, energizing, refreshing and rejuvenating. There’s something about being together in a different setting without distractions to sit and be and talk and set imaginations free for coming up with solutions to professional and personal issues. A nice number is 5-7 attendees coming together with their ideas for others and asking for what support and resources from the group they want as well. Being focused on each person at a time and coming together to pool resources generates incredible outcomes in these synergy sessions. It also helps each participant live and lead more Hartfully, staying closer to their truth, their heart, their centered way of moving through the world. It keeps us focused on the right path and gives us the courage to choose that path.
Why not plan for a solo getaway to get refocused on your personal goals and then plan several more with your pals to help each other achieve their goals as well. I generally use the holidays and the new year change-over to reassess what I’ve accomplished the past year and what lies ahead – calling it my year in review and year in preview. See earlier blog posts about that and the Hot 100 List. I see these gatherings as my 10,000 mile check-up and continual tune-ups for a life well lived in a very Hartful way. Try it yourself and see how much further along the right path you go with the help of others (pals, coaches, colleagues, other professionals) who are conspiring in your favor vs. doing it on your own. I bet you’ll see a vast difference. Facilitating Energy Escapes is something you do for yourself so you can do more for others. It’s a way of giving back to the world your best self with your highest goals in mind.
Success Leaves Breadcrumbs

February 7, 2012 | Posted in Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
Success is all around you and it isn’t happening in a vacuum. If you want a shortcut to success, follow the breadcrumbs of those who have been along the path. You can see the breadcrumb trail leading to others’ success and what may seem to be an overnight sensation; was really a result of many years of breadcrumbs leading up to one moment when you, or the world, became aware of the hard work and choices leading up to the point of awareness of success.
If you want to find success, follow the breadcrumbs of those who have been there and seek their guidance. Look for those in an industry where you have talent, passion, interest, and a burning desire to be successful. A path that is in true alignment with your purpose and essense. One that holds the ways and means of what your life’s work is meant to be. It doesn’t mean grunting it out in a profession just because your parents want you to do it, or because the experts said it was a current industry darling where you can make some money. Remember in the movie, The Graduate? Plastics was the answer. Nope, not plastics, your true essence and using your gifts and talents to serve the world is the answer.
You don’t have a money problem, you have an idea problem. To get more ideas along the right path; use a shortcut and ask for directions from an expert or successful person who has already travelled the path. Research role models, mentors and coaches who can show you the way and shadow somebody. It will take years off your learning curve and cost much less in the long run by avoiding bad decisions and rabbit holes. It will help you get unstuck with what you’re doing now or not doing to get to success.
Sometimes we get stuck by re-creating the same experience over and over by using the same limiting thoughts, maintaining the same beliefs and doing and thinking the same thing because that’s all we know. We need others who have already accomplished what we want to shake our thoughts loose and give us a new paradigm of possibilities. We need to replace our limiting beliefs and loosen our grip of what we “know” to be able to look outside our comfort zone and see what’s waiting for us just outside our zone of comfort. Find somebody who will shake loose those limiting beliefs. Take a good look at what you believe – are they based on truth or just because you’ve always done it or thought it, or that’s the way your parents taught you. I’ll give you a clue….your parents weren’t always right.
Find other role models and coaches who have studied and practiced success. Read about their breadcrumbs, contact them to buy some of their time and listen to what they share on their path to success. Find out what it takes and then start leaving some breadcrumbs of your own. Let me know how I can help you along your path to success and help get you unstuck with your limiting beliefs so you can enjoy a successful life you deserve.
How Are You Adding to Your Personal Economy & the National Economy? Special Offer for Entrepreneurs

July 22, 2010 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
I’m feeling generous and want more people to realize they can create their own economy through the right entrepreneurship. I’m offering $250 scholarships for a limited time for a 1.5 hour coaching session with me where you will get your personal blueprint of your work style, communication style, conflict management style, entrepreneurship path along with personal customized coaching. I want us entrepreneurs to change the vibration of this nation by doing the right work and creating your own economy.
A US Federal Reserve survey shows that the average household net worth for entrepreneurs is 5 times that of conventinal employees. That means that entrepreneurs are 5 times more likely to come out of this downturn unscathed and even stronger than before because they’ve created their own economy.
History has repeatedly demonstrated that new companies and entrepreneurship are the way to bolster a flagging economy. It’s the passion, power, enthusiasm, creativity, nimbleness and sheer determination of entrepreneurs to be quick to market and adapt to the changing national economy that can help uplevel their personal economies and the national economy.
A Gallup poll found that 61% of Americans say they would prefer to be their own boss. Another poll by the Decipher firm found that 72% of all adult Americans would rather work for themselves than for a job and 67% think about quitting their jobs “regularly” or “constantly”.
Wow. What does that say about our corporate workforces and public agency employees? Leaders need to take heed of these findings and figure out ways to empower their teams to be more entrepreneurial, take responsibility for their projects and performance and ask them what they want out of the relationship with their job. Once we know what people want, we are better equipped to give it to them. Ask your team about their personal mission, vision for their job, what their ideal job or position in a company would be. Or if it’s outside the company – maybe working on their own as a consultant to the company.
Entrepreneurship is not for everybody. I’m thrilled it’s for me. Couldn’t and wouldn’t have it any other way. Entrepreneurs get to create their life on their terms and create the work they love to support their full expression of their purpose. They get to use their talents, knowledge, skills and abilities to the max if they’ve, in fact, created the right company to match their passions and purpose.
If you’re not yet an entrepreneur, or if you’re an emerging entrepreneur, there is help and guidance to assist you in discovering more about your skill sets, your motivation behind your behavior, your work styles and what type of business is best suited to your unique set of characteristics. Some people are better suited to going completely on their own, partnering, being a part of a bigger team, network marketing, being in business for yourself but not by yourself, or being a lone wolf.
What type of entrepreneur are you or do you aspire to be? How can you add to the national economy and your personal economy with your talents and skills? As an Energized Entrepreneur Coach and Relationship Awareness Facilitator (measuring your motivations behind your behaviors, your communication and work styles and conflict management styles); I can help you figure out paths best suited for you.
As your economic stimulus package, I’m offering a preferred investment of $125 for a 1.5 hour session to help you figure out your style and what type of entrepreneurship is best suited to your style. I’m giving you a scholarship of $250 for this session. You can use these results to improve your personal and professional relationships, to figure out the best type of environment for you, what types of work that best suits you and much more. You will get a clear, concise blueprint of your style. Send me an email at to set up your appointment by phone.
I’m so excited about helping you create your own economy, I can hardly stand it. I’m thrilled to be in a position to offer you a scholarship to make this personal coaching and enrichment session available to more people who are wanting to quit their jobs or at least start something on the side to help their families and help themselves. This special offer won’t last for long. I’ve got to keep my economy going too. 🙂 Take advantage of the limited scholarships for the next 2 weeks and grab your spot.
Here’s to helping you create your own economy and economic stimulus plan so you can help the natonal economy. And to all of your entrepreneurs already doing it – cheers to you for turning things around!