Your Place of Purpose & Brilliance: the Tingle Test

February 17, 2011 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
Uncovering your brilliance isn’t a puzzle to solve. Rather it’s a puzzle to dis-solve. It’s distilling some of the bigger picture things you do when you’re in flow and identifying precisely what you’re doing when you’re in the zone. Being in the flow is when time disappears and you’re so caught up in the activity and absorbed mentally, that you don’t notice how much time has passed.
Discovering your brilliance can come as subtle hints. Glimmers of insight are good. Pay attention to how you feel and what you’re doing when you’re firing on all pistons. When you’re operating at optimum brain capacity and the challenge meets your unique skills, but doesn’t overshadow your abilities; you’re in flow.
Identify what you’re doing when you’re in your flow and then dissect it and dissolve it down to the pure activity where your unique knowledge, skills and abilities mesh with your sense of purpose. For instance here’s how it may look: enlightening others to discover their purpose and uplevel their work and their lives. Distilling further using my unique abilities: creating innovative ways to wake people up to themselves and attain further self actualization to better serve others. And even further filtered: as a mentor and messenger – creating artful, fun, experiential methods/activities to incite insight in entrepreneurs and execs to live/work in their potential and purposeful place of brilliance and live fully expressed to improve the world.
Some easy ways to find out if the work you’ve chosen is intersecting your purposeful place of brilliance is the Tingle Test. Do you get tingles of excitement when you think about your current business or does it leave you flat? Do you feel energized or exhausted from your work? Does time fly or does it drag on when you’re doing your work? Are you feeling success or strife and struggle? Do you feel fulfilled or frustrated? Are you feeling more or less fully expressed when you’re finished doing your work each day?
If you need guidance in figuring out your place of purpose and brilliance; I can help you uncover your purpose through a scientific method that was put in your hands – your personal GPS, Greater Purpose System. Take the time to write a list of your unique abilities, and the activities when you’re in flow and what you believe to be your purpose and reason for your work. Start the flow of ideas, brainstorm on paper and get the ideas incubating, then contact me to crack the code to your calling and decipher your life purpose to guide you toward the right path so you can pass the Tingle Test.
Your true purpose is in your hands. Send me an email to set up your session which will help you set up your life on the right track. You’ll get two coaching sessions as a jump start to your place of purpose living in the full expression of your brilliance. More later on living at upper levels or lower levels of your capacity.
Cracking the Code to Your Calling: Unveiling Your Life Purpose

January 16, 2011 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
Have you ever wondered if you’re on the right path? Doing the work you were put here to do? Do you sometimes feel out of whack with your work or feel like you’re in the wrong job or the wrong place? Is your business lacking the cash flow, clients or customers you want? Are you living your life fully expressed and getting paid to do what you were meant to do?
Perhaps you’re not working in alignment with your true calling? Or what you thought was your life purpose needs to be tweaked to get into the flow? Or maybe you don’t have a clue as to your calling, you just took whatever job was available or your work chose you?
Discover some of the telltale signs that you’re out of alignment at where we have 70 ways to tell if you’re living inside or outside of your purpose in January’s blog posts. Then join us on our free preview call on how your life purpose can be revealed. It’s all in your own hands. It’s not just what you think and want, it’s your own personal life blueprint mapped out for you even before birth. Let us help you read your blueprint and help you build a life you’ll love as you turn your purpose into prosperity. LIsten to our recorded teleclass at:
You’re in the right place to learn how you can know, really know, your life’s purpose and your true calling. We all have our personal GPS, our Greater Purpose System, in our own hands. Our life’s purpose is literally at our fingertips and we have the scientific technology to be able to access it and crack the code to our true calling. We’re born with it, it never changes and when we’re aligned with it, we experience flow. We have flow of love, money, business, and we are in tune with our life lessons as well as our life purpose. Life just gets easier once you know you’re on the right track. We were put here with all the tools and resources we need to do our Universal Job. And it’s in our own hands.
Join Margaret Shebalin, Prosperity Master, Life Coach, Licensed Practitioner and Life Purpose Analyst ( along with Gail Hahn, MA, CSP, CEO, Chief Energizing Officer, Speaker, Author and Executive Coach ( as they review what it’s all about on this free preview call, and how you can claim your calling easily and effectively. Together they will cover the four life schools and what they mean. Find out how you fit into your life school, your life lesson, and learn how you can explore why people buy from you. Are you marketing the right things to the right people and are you in the right business? Come find out what Gail and Margaret have learned from their own journeys after their life purpose was revealed and validated, and learn how you too can crack the code on your calling and move forward with confidence in your calling.
We recorded the call for you at so you can listen to this impactful 37-minute teleclass at : Join us and other thought leaders on Facebook at The Energized Entrepreneur Network Group or at the Facebook Fan Page: Gail Hahn CEO, Chief Energizing Officer if you want to know about living a life fully expressed and getting paid for your purpose. We’ll help you turn your passions and purpose into profits if you follow your right path. Looking forward to helping you crack the code to your calling and sharing our insider secrets to success and significance with you.
Cheers To Your FUNomenal Success!
Are You in Alignment?

January 13, 2011 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
Just as your car needs adjustments and realignment when you start feeling vibrations, hearing creaks, feeling rattled as you roll down the highway; so does your body and your life.
You know the feeling of being out of sorts, creaky, cranky, sluggish and slightly out of balance. There are some quick fixes and then there are some root cause interventions. One of my favorite quick fixes is spa time, massage and a chiropractic re-adjustment. It’s incredible how the knots build up and they won’t go away. They need to be worked out or else your body binds up, tightens up and you feel lousy.
Putting your life back into alignment, or getting it there in the first place takes more work, it’s a journey and not a quick fix. One of the main ways to get and stay in alignment is to know how you should be aligned in the first place – with your life purpose, your calling. When we’re doing the work we were put on Earth to do, we’re more in flow and it comes easier. We have clarity and more ease than dis-ease. We’re healthier and less fearful. We just know.
When we’re doing God’s work that we’re supposed to be doing, we have all we need to get it done. We wouldn’t be put here to do a job and not be provided the tools to do it. Cracking the code to your calling just got much easier. It’s scientific. It’s in your hands. It’s in your fingerprints and everybody has their own purpose because everybody has their own unique set of fingerprints.
If you’ve been wondering about what you’re supposed to be when you grow up and how to get re-aligned so you’re doing the right work, your heart work; then contact me for a copy of the preview call
Join me and Margaret Shebalin as we discuss how your life’s work can unfold in the palm of your hand as you discover your life school, your life lesson, what could be holding you back and what the heck you’re supposed to be doing this time around. We’ll be offering a special bonus for our listeners – so stay tuned on how you can claim your spot in Cracking the Code to Your Life Purpose. See you there!
You Know You’re Living Your Life Purpose When…

January 12, 2011 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
There are so many people who don’t really know when they are in or out of alignment. It’s the same as your car. If you’re out of alignment, things don’t feel right. You keep going, but it’s a little shaky, things don’t run smoothly and you may hear rumblings around you. Some of us know when something isn’t quite right and still others may not even recognize when things are in perfectly in place and on purpose. They don’t know when to celebrate that they’re doing it just how they are meant to be doing it.
That’s why the Hot 100 List and the Ideal Day exercises are so critically important. To help you do a gap analysis and see what you wanted in your life and when you have it, you need to celebrate victory. Sometimes we need some hints on how we’re doing in life just as we had or have performance evaluations from a former or current job. As entrepreneurs, we don’t get the official evaluations in our work – our bank accounts can attest to how we’re doing, but it doesn’t cover all the bases.
So I submit to you some hints on what living a purposeful life looks like. How it feels and what are the signs of living in alignment with your life purpose and doing your calling. It may be something you aspire to do, be, have or feel, or it may be showing you it’s time to celebrate your success of living on purpose.
You know you’re living your life purpose when…
- You can’t turn off your brain with all the ideas swirling around on how to implement your plan
- You are excited to wake up each morning and get to your life’s work
- You feel happy, optimistic, exuberant and excited about life and your future
- You dwell in the realm of possibility and let nothing stop you from your goals and dreams
- You may have a lower tolerance for people who aren’t living on purpose, you want to surround yourself with other like-minded people living out their purpose and potential
- You don’t let the how’s stop you – you know your why and your what and everything else is just noise
- You feel lucky to live the life you do
- You can’t believe you actually get paid to have so much fun and just do what comes naturally
- You enjoy fun in your life and your sense of humor is very much intact – you’re happy
- You feel fulfilled, happy and perhaps not satisfied because there is more to do, bigger plans to implement and more people to help serve -you’re hungry to help others find what you’ve found
- Your bank account reflects your purposeful livelihood and you attract the right clients
- You attract the right people into your life and the right opportunities at the right time
- Your life is in flow at all levels personally and professionally
- You’re living your dreams and doing things you never thought possible in your early years
- You wonder why you didn’t take this step, know this, or learn this sooner – you want to share it all
- You’ve reached your point of enoughness and want to give away to others in need
- You’re living your life fully expressed and you get paid handsomely for using your knowledge, skills and abilities to the best of your ability
- You feel valued, wanted and in demand for your work – you’ve built a following of fans and advocates who you value just as much as they value you
- You’ve cut ties with those who don’t get it or who don’t support you in your dreams, those negative people who don’t have your best interest in their heart
- You’re proud of the efforts, successes and achievements of others, not jealous or envious of them
- You’re not trading your time for money – you’ve got passive income flowing in from your businesses and your investments
- You’re not ever bored
- Your voice is excited, you speak with power and confidence and enthusiasm – you love communicating your message to the world in various channels
- You admire your friends and colleagues and support what they do as they do with you
- The line is blurred between work and play – it’s just your life and what you do – it runs together
- When you’re working you’re in flow, the hours don’t matter, you don’t seek breaks and there is not official quitting time – when you’re done or tired or finished with a project or find a stopping point, you stop, otherwise you just keep going until you feel like stopping
- There is no mindset of part-time work or full-time work, it’s just life and you do your life
- You do your work for the sake of serving or doing what you do, you don’t do it for the paycheck – the money is a side effect of doing what you were born to do and put here to do
- You get to live your life on your own terms
- You wake up and decide what you want to do for the day and how you spend your time exactly how you want to spend your time and with whom
- You have challenges, but your vision, mission and purpose is much bigger than any challenge – your purpose is waaaaay bigger than anything put in its way
- You’re making rich memories for you and your family and friends – you are giving away more and tipping more and don’t’ worry about the cash flow – it flows in and out effortlessly
- Your relationships are healthy at all levels, you enjoy time for yourself and with loved ones – there is time to go around when you’re not in struggle
- Your life just works better all the way around
- You are proud of what you do, who you are and how you live and what you have and take pride in your actions and how you serve.
So if you can check off more than a few of these items, you deserve a little celebration of living your life on purpose and consciously choosing your calling. If you need some more insight on getting it all together and turbo-charging your calling, be on our call: Cracking the Code to Your Calling, Living Your Life Purpose – send me an email
Take a peek at this video on Freedom – freedom to be who you want to be and live the life you deserve with financial freedom and time freedom: