Hartful Living: Connect to Your Capacity with Gaia Hart, MA, CEC, CEO (Chief Energizing Officer)

Space: Is Your Space Energizing or Draining?

April 2, 2014 | Posted in Living Hartfully | By

Is your space pleasant, comfortable, and workable or does it create stress? Are items easily accessible? If you are left-brained (analytical), are things stored vertically or behind closed doors? If you are right-brained (creative), are they stored horizontally or within

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Keys to Energize Your Life, Pump Up Performance & Practice Safe Stress

March 15, 2014 | Posted in Living Hartfully | By

By popular demand, I’m offering a series based on my first book Keys to Energize, A Caffeine-Free Guide to Perk Up Your Life. The ideas have built a career, launched over 500 articles, inspired over 1500 programs and touched many

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Happiness Habits for Living and Leading Hartfully

March 1, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By

Seems like the happy factor is touching many sectors in our society. The popular catchy little tune Happy as sung by Pharrell Williams made an appearance at the Oscars earlier this year and has hit #1 on the charts in

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More Manifesting Matters

February 9, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

Don’t ask how, manifest now. A catchy tune to live by and grow by. We tend to get so caught up in HOW instead of trusting in the process and going to work on ourselves and our mission, that it stops people

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Making Conscious Choices to Manifest More

January 28, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

Studying the art of manifesting over the years; I’ve learned the more my choices of what I want to manifest are in true alignment with my purpose and my choices are purposeful and made consciously and not frivolously; that I’m

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Living Happier, Healthier & Hartier for the New Year: 8 More Joyful Tips

January 12, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully | By

Now that you’ve had time to digest all the holiday food and forget about the resolutions you made a week ago; I’m giving you more to chew on and more ideas for live-long revolutions as opposed to resolutions which you

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Living Happier, Healthier & Hartier: 8 Tips for the New Year

January 5, 2014 | Posted in Living Hartfully | By

In America and many other countries the generations seem to be making more and more money than their parents and grandparents did, yet their happiness and health doesn’t keep up with the upward trend in income. There are many researchers

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Breaking Through Your Threshold Thermostat into Your OH! Zone of Brilliance

January 1, 2014 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

We are responsible for our own success or lack thereof. We are responsible for the outer world we have created from our inner world. We are responsible for our internal threshold thermostat for success we have set for ourselves that

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