March 24, 2008 | Posted in: Leading Hartfully, Wealthy Woman
We all have security blanets. Our own version of a binky that we hold dear, or just hold onto and may not be conscious of why we’re holding onto it. Your security blanky may be a job, material possessions, magazines, clothing, furniture, ways of thinking, certain behaviors, specific meals or foods, habits or perceptions about who you are and what you do or don’t do or what you like and don’t like.
Sometimes we need to ditch our binky and have the courage to move through life without that old net that doesn’t necessarily serve us or comfort us any more. The conversations I’ve been having with friends in transition lately – that includes conversations with myself – seem to turn up a few themes. One of the themes is: that which we most coveted once upon a time is now a burden. Another theme is that we are tired of some of our old ways and are itching for a change. Either a change of pace, a change of scenery, a change of challenge, or a change of lifestyle or partner or whatever. We are just itching to ditch our old ways and break free of our comfort zones. As my colleague Annette announced after she went skydiving, “we need to foster eccentricity”!
I feel like goldilocks and the four climates. In the past few years I’ve moved from the East coast to the desert, to the mountains and now to the beaches of the West coast. You won’t know if you don’t go…. so I had to experience all the zones to find one just right. I realized I didn’t want to live in a harsh climate. Along with all those moves came lots of purging and re-discovery of what matters. Sometimes it just isn’t time to let go. Give it another move and a few thousand dollars spent in schlepping stuff around, and you may change your mind about just how important something is in your life and you’ll soon decide to unload it.
My security blankets as it turned out were the European antiques I brought back from my decade spent overseas. I realized after 20 years with them, that they no longer represented who I was now. Other comfort items were my books and articles I’d collected over the years in the journey to becoming an Energy Expert. Each move I gave about around 50 books. This move it was 200. It was a challenge to give away information at first. I would be flying solo if I needed to write a book or article without backup material. Once I decided I’ve absorbed enough info and that it was enough, it was easy to let go. I also gave away most of my dishes, crystal, furniture and all the stuff I collected over the years that didn’t suit my creatively cool, casual simplistic lifestyle. If it doesn’t fit into that category, it’s outta here. What doesn’t fit your style any more? What are you still holding onto that isn’t who you are today? Just like old hairstyles, old home styles, work styles, communication styles, clothing styles etc need to be updated as we grow and change.
What ensued is that I feel much more innergized, lighter, unencumbered, able to breathe easier and move freer in my space that is congruent with who I am now and not who I was when I acquired all that stuff. I jettisoned about two-thirds of my belongings in the last 2 moves and now out goes much of the rest of it except what is functional and I’m just fine with that. Know when there is a time and a place to be able to let go of your “stuff”. Sometimes it’s too early to let it go. You will know when things become a burden, or at least don’t bring you joy or offer something positive in your life – your work, the people around you, your way of moving through the world. Take a good look at all the security blankets you have in your life. Is it time to let go of some of them and run through the world without clinging onto something that doesn’t suit you any more?

Gaia Hart
As the CEO (Chief Energizing Officer) at Hartful Living including and; I’m a Messenger and Mentor for women entrepreneurs, connecting them to their capacity to energize their work and their lives in the art of living Hartfully. At, you can make a living through giving with greeting cards and gifts to build your network net worth as an additive to your current business or an easy way to send gratitude and kindness to the world.
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