Improve Your Happiness
November 26, 2007 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By Gaia Hart
How happy are you really? After meeting hundreds of people in the past couple months in my sessions, at tradeshows and over Thanksgiving hearing their stories; it’s interesting to note just how many people are not happy with their situations. They seem to be lumbering along at mediocre not willing to seek out alternatives, yet not wanting to completely accept their position. I’m here to share some insider secrets to happiness.
There are several books on the subject. One in particular is What Happy People Know by Dan Baker & Cameron Stauth. There is also a terrific website by Dr. Martin Seligman at Authentic Happiness. Dr. Seligman’s main mission has been the promotion of the field of Positive Psychology. This discipline includes the study of positive emotion, positive character traits, and positive institutions. Take some of his surveys about general happiness, gratitude, grit and strength.
There are two main building blocks to happiness: pleasures and gratifications. Pleasures are sensual and emotional while gratifications are those activities that call on our skills and strengths and give us a sense of a job well done. Gratifications can be further divided into our signature strengths – marks of character such as perseverance, kindness, curiosity and humility. We are most fully engaged in life when we are part of something that isn’t just for ourselves. True happiness lies in building on our strengths and not rooting out our flaws.
In researching true happiness, Seligman noted that the benefits from these 3 simple exercises lasted for as much as 6 months:
- Write a letter of gratitude to someone from your past who has been particularly kind to you , but who has never been properly thanked and deliver the card in person.
- Every eveinng for a week, write down 3 good things that happened that day and explain what brought them about.
- Take the Signature Strength Quiestionnaire at Authentic Happiness to identify your own strengths and then use one of our top 5 strengths in a different way every day for a week.
A creative way to send a gratitude card or lots of them for the holidays to help shore up your happiness and spirits is at BizBuilder Cards. You can even put your own photo or photos of your recipients on the cards and include a gift card or have the company insert the card into a box of gourmet goodies to pack a real punch. The best part is if you don’t know anybody to send a card to, they have a section called Send Your Love where you can send a card to somebody who needs to know others are thinking about them and sending support and love. Sending a card of acknowledgement is like driving a vehicle for the Law of Attraction – it puts you in an attitude of gratitude when you write it and also brightens somebody’s day when they receive it – a twofer!
One of humanity’s greatest needs is to feel loved, acknowledged and appreciated. Who needs to hear from you today? Why not send a card or postcard and start improving your happiness as well as the happiness of others who receive your greetings. Check out these custom greeting cards for an easy way to spread joy at holiday time and any time. Cheers – I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with happiness and pecan pie. (that makes me happy :-).
London Times Features Fun at Work – Good Times Lead to Good Business
September 17, 2007 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By Gaia Hart
I’m thrilled to announce an interview I did for a recent article in the London Times on the business of fun at work. We’re ready to get the British energized and pumped up for some play in the workplace. People all over the world are finally getting it that work made fun gets done and good times lead to good business.Check out the full article below or click on the link.
Laugh for the Health of It
August 5, 2007 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By Gaia Hart
Try laughter for the health of it. Laughing is exercise and is considered internal jogging by some experts. As an official Certified Laughter Leader, yes, that’s an authentic credential sanctioned by the World Laughter Tour, I promote the benefits of laughter at home, at work and in life to boost your immune system, enhance your relationships and build your teams.
When you laugh, your body moves blood to your heart and lungs, boosting your energy level and making you feel better instantly. It also aids communication and creates a sense of closeness between you and the people you’re laughing with. New evidence points to changes in the brain—not the imaginary funny bone—as the source for laughter. Researchers found that when people laugh, a part of the brain’s reward system is triggered. In this reward system, a person feels pleasure and wants to have the same pleasant feelings over and over again. The areas in the brain triggered by humor are the same ones that are triggered by drugs like amphetamines and cocaine.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, one reason that young people choose to use drugs is simply to feel good. They seek new or thrilling things to have a good time. The good news is that the kids who use drugs to feel good are the ones who are most likely to respond to prevention messages that teach them about the harmful effects of drugs on their bodies. Teens also are swayed mostly by the powerful protective factor of having strong and loving parents who take notice and take part in all aspects of their lives. These kids have the best chances of being successfully taught to seek other ways of having fun.
Other ways in which laughter benefits the body:
Muscle Relaxation
A belly laugh causes muscles to relax and be free of tension. As you laugh, muscles that do not participate in the belly laugh relax. After you finish laughing, the muscles involved have their turn at relaxing. That’s why kids fall on the ground laughing or wet their pants when they laugh too hard, their bodies are relaxing a little too much from laughing. That’s why your cheeks hurt the next day after visiting a comedy club – you’ve been exercising your face.
Reduces Stress Hormones
Laughter reduces at least four neuroendocrine hormones associated with stress response: epinephrine, cortisol, dopac, and growth hormone. You cannot be stressed out and laughing at the same time. Known as the Biology of Hope – those who were anticipating an enjoyable event showed signs of decreased stress hormones in their blood and after watching funny videos or laughing, these markers showed decreased stress hormones as well.
Immune System Enhancement
Clinical studies have shown humor strengthens the immune system. Some studies have shown that the ability to use humor may raise the level of infection-fighting antibodies in the body and boost the levels of immune cells as well.
Cardiac Exercise
Laughter provides good cardiac conditioning especially for those unable to perform physical exercises.
Blood Pressure and blood flow
Laughter lowers blood pressure although women appear to benefit more than men from this exercise. Researchers at the University of Maryland studied the effects on blood vessels when people were shown either comedies or dramas. After the screening, the blood vessels of the group who watched the comedy behaved normally — expanding and contracting easily. But the blood vessels in people who watched the drama tended to tense up, restricting blood flow.
Respiratory Cleansing
Frequent belly laughter has a cleansing effect because it empties your lungs of more air than it takes in – similar to deep breathing. This is extremely beneficial for patients who are suffering from emphysema and other respiratory problems.
Relaxation, pain reduction and sleep.
The focus on the benefits of laughter really began with Norman Cousin’s memoir, Anatomy of an Illness. Cousins, who was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a painful spine condition, found that a diet of comedies, like Marx Brothers films and episodes of Candid Camera, helped him feel better. He said that ten minutes of laughter allowed him two hours of pain-free sleep. Humor allows a person to temporarily “forget” about aches and pains from disability, injury, or surgery.
What are you doing to add humor and laughter into your day today?
The Rest of the Story: Banner the Guide Dog, Larry & Southwest Airlines
July 25, 2007 | Posted in Leading Hartfully | By Gaia Hart
With the help of my speaking buddies, Beth Terry, Steve Tyra, Terry Brock and of course the star attractions, Larry Colbert and Banner the wonder dog. Here’s the rest of the story in their own words about what happened that Friday the 13th with Larry, Banner and the Southwest Employees who showed their true colors in a life or death situation.
Check out the happy ending to this heart-warming story about compassion, teamwork, humanitarian and heroic efforts and doing the right thing on YouTube:
Truly inspirational efforts on everybody’s part to come through in a difficult situation.
Even the canine community pulled together. Here’s the card my Madison sent to Banner as well as a photo of Banner enjoying medical leave lounging by the pool in his colorful bandages. If you want to send a card to Banner, click here:
What is the Energy and Velocity of Your Money?
July 24, 2007 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
I’ve been hearing a lot about the velocity of money lately. The topic has come up in several teleconferences I’ve attended in relation to building wealth, enhancing relationships and improving prosperity on many levels.
Velocity of money is defined simply as the rate at which money changes hands. If velocity is high, money is changing hands quickly, and a relatively small money supply can fund a relatively large amount of purchases. On the other hand, if velocity is low, then money is changing hands slowly, and it takes a much larger money supply to fund the same number of purchases.
What kind of energy are you giving your money? How many times do you send it out to do work for you and serve others? How often are you letting go of it in order to allow others to make a living from what you give them in exchange for their skills? Are you holding tight to what you have and not letting it go out do circulate, mingle and mix in the economy and in the social scene with other cash? Does your money become a spinster, sitting home, under the proverbial mattress or in a checking or savings account not earning you anything and not doing anybody any good? Or does your cash network with others and bring people, opportunities, energy, life force and vitality to your life by making the rounds in your community?
Sure we should have an emergency account just in case, but that doesn’t mean it has to sit there like a couch potato just waiting for something bad to happen. Your emergency fund could be earning even more income for you or any other sorts of ways to keep it moving and in action. Keeping your cash moving and creating energy for you and for others by exchanging hands is what gives it more velocity. And with more velocity the economy grows and so do the opportunities that come your way because of it.
So what kind of energy are you giving your money? What is the velocity of your money? Like love, compliments, appreciation or other types of acknowledgment, it doesn’t help anybody for you to hold them tight and not give some away. By giving and exchanging hands, you give opportunities and energy to others as well. Remember that emotion is energy in motion – giving away emotions helps keep us in motion and keeps the velocity going as well. If you’re feeling stuck, try giving something away and taking action. Forward motion and creating velocity helps attract new things into your life to get unstuck. Go ahead and create some velocity today and give something away.
Knowing Why You Come to Work Each Day
July 19, 2007 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By Gaia Hart
Thinking about Larry and Banner’s story makes me think about why some people come to work each day. What do you get out of the relationship with your job? Why do you show up each day and what do you want to accomplish? Do you have a master plan for showing up for life, or are you just clocking in and clocking out? I’m sure you know of colleagues who have retired years ago, but they just keep showing up for work each day to collect a paycheck.
What can you do to get inspired about your work? Make a list of what you do and don’t like about the different qualities and characteristics of your profession or your job. What can you change about it to make it more inspiring? What can you do to inspire others. As Zig Ziglar, the famous grandfather of motivation speaking so eloquently states: If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.
What are you doing to help other people get what they want and get where they want to go? Are you embracing empathy and kindness into your day? What would you do in emergency situations and how far would you go to do the right thing? Fortunately for Banner and Larry, Troy knew why he showed up for work that day and he knew what he had to do to do the right thing.
LUV: Taking Customer Service to the Next Level
July 18, 2007 | Posted in Leading Hartfully | By Gaia Hart
Just recently returning from a Professional Speakers Convention, where my Arizona speaker colleague who is blind, Larry Colbert was attending. He and his canine companion, Banner, are popular members of our local National Speakers Association chapter. I received this email and with tears in my keyboard just had to share this story of what happened to Larry on Friday the 13th. This is a testament that speaks to the heart of what customer service is all about. It’s not just about smile training, it’s the basic human compassion for another and to do the right thing in times of need, no matter what it takes, no matter if it’s in the training manual or not. That day, the folks at Southwest didn’t even know that Larry was one of their passengers, as there are lots of airlines in that terminal at Sky Harbor in Phoenix. They rose to the occasion anyway.
Rest assured this story has already been forwarded to the head honchos at Southwest Airlines to commend them and their people on doing the right thing. They truly live up to their stock market codename: LUV.
Grab a tissue and read on, then pass this along to your colleagues and friends in the customer service field. Thanks to my friend and speaking colleague, Beth Terry for passing along this photo of Banner the Wonder Dog.
Here’s a brief description of the event as written by Sandy DeNeui (girlfriend extraordinaire…)
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Yesterday, Friday the 13th came with more than one miracle for Larry and his guide dog Banner. Larry and Banner were on their way to a speaking
engagement in Nevada. Larry took a cab from his house to Sky Harbor.
Somehow, and that looms as the huge unanswered question, Banner received a gash in his leg while riding in the back seat of the cab. Larry said that Banner yelped and jumped from the floor boards onto the seat shortly before they arrived at the airport. This was highly unusual because Banner is extremely well trained, but since Larry cannot see, he didn’t realize that Banner was injured, so he got his bag and holding Banner’s harness, proceeded into the airport.
Larry said that Banner just led him along as if nothing was wrong…. then a man (Phx airport security), stopped them and asked if he could help. I guess that is when the urgency of the situation came to light.
Later, Troy (South West Customer Service), the young man who saved Banner’s life, told me that Banner would most certainly have gotten Larry to the airplane and bled to death in the process if someone had not intervened. But the ground crew employees of South West Airlines took it upon themselves to change Banner’s fate.
Larry telephoned me and said… “I need your help, Banner is hurt.” I knew by the sound of his voice that this was a real emergency. I blasted out of the house and across town to the airport. On the way I telephoned the vet’s office to alert them that we would be coming in…. and carried an on going conversation with Larry and one of the South West Airline employees. When I finally arrived a police car with emergency lights on had cleared a place for me to park…. a walkway had been cleared through the throng of onlookers…. Banner was on the floor with Larry beside him, and eight or ten uniformed people some kneeling some crouching were gathered around Banner, who was in great distress.
Larry was splattered in blood from his waist down, there was blood everywhere and on everyone. Troy lifted Banner and carried him to the car. I
didn’t realize it at the time, but Troy’s hand was clenched around Banner’s leg to stop the flow of blood. Banner, Troy and Larry got in the back seat of my car and away we went. When we arrived at the vet’s three young women emerged with a stretcher and rolls of tape. They wrapped the leg right there, so that Troy could release his grip, but Troy who by then was like a family member, carried Banner inside, sans stretcher.
Banner underwent surgery almost immediately. He had sliced the major vein to his leg and nicked an artery, and those employees of South West Airlines who left their posts to render aid quite simply kept Banner alive until Dr. Bastek could work her magic. Troy told me many hours later that he was still in shock from the whole experience…. and that he felt a bond with Banner and Larry that he didn’t want to lose track of.
Larry took a later flight to Las Vegas for his speaking engagement. He said that the legend of Banner preceded him and that every South West employee he met along the way asked about Banner (who is recovering nicely).
All in all, it was a Friday the Thirteenth to remember… and a time to realize that there are everyday people out there just waiting to be heroes.
I saw dozens of heroes yesterday. I am attaching a photo of Banner that was taken just this evening at Larry’s house.
I had the honor of having Banner stay with me here in Mesa after being released from the hospital. Larry managed just fine with his “white stick”
on his engagement in Nevada. He said he missed the freedom that Banner allows him, and of course was worried about Banner too. The South West Airline employees sent Banner the flowers and balloon in the photo as a get well gift. I think he really liked it! What a weekend! Those employees were more than heroes….. they were angels in disguise.
“It takes action to achieve vision!” Larry C. Colbert, Speaker & Author Check out Larry’s new video at: <>
Celebrate Your Point of Enoughness
July 2, 2007 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By Gaia Hart
Americans seem to be on the treadmill of always striving and never arriving. The deal it, that you’ve got to know when you reach your point of “enoughness” so you know when you can celebrate your arrival. When do you really arrive? Where are you arriving? Have you taken time to actually know what you want to accomplish in order to know you’ve arrived? Once you’re there, do you move the finish line?
Some say that they’ll keep moving the finish line as long as it’s still fun to achieve. Some say they’ll never reach it, or else what’s the point after the finish line, death? Or retirement? What’s after retirement? What’s after death? Another finish line?
Having goals keeps up energized. It’s not even the fact that we reach a particular goal, it’s just having something just out of our grasp that we keep reaching for that keeps us motivated, excited and keeps us moving forward and also keeps our energy up. What are you looking forward to? Are you putting enough things into your life to look forward to? How do you know when you have reached your point of enoughness? Authors Vicki Robin and the late Joe Domenguez stated in their book Your Money or Your Life, that after your point of enoughness, there is a dimishing return of satisfaction and the way to fulfillment is through giving. Giving to your community, giving to others, giving of your knowledge, giving some of your share of the pie. How are you giving of yourself to keep yourself and other energized? Take stock of what you really need to energize your life and to be at your point of enoughness, then take the time to celebrate.