As the CEO (Chief Energizing Officer) at Hartful Living including and; I’m a Messenger and Mentor for women entrepreneurs, connecting them to their capacity to energize their work and their lives in the art of living Hartfully. At, you can make a living through giving with greeting cards and gifts to build your network net worth as an additive to your current business or an easy way to send gratitude and kindness to the world.

Spring Clean-out: Get Organized & Get Energized

May 1, 2006 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By

It’s spring and time to take stock of other areas in our life where we can clear the clutter, organize, energize and refocus to help us move forward. Research suggests that we waste at least 15 minutes per day looking for stuff. That equals about two weeks per year lost to disorganization. Save yourself some time by employing some of these tips to organize your space, your stuff, your time and your life. Get your own Tip a Day To Keep Clutter at Bay perpetual calendar for even more tips by The Queen of Clutter for $15, which includes shipping and handling by calling 866.386.2896. It’s a perfect Mother’s Day gift.
* Analyze your lifestyle, preferences, what’s bugging you, where are the bottlenecks
* Make things logical, comfortable, and convenient to your lifestyle and preferences
* Categorize like things with like things according to your logic, evaluate prime space
* Sort into piles of keepers and tossers – select the maybes only if you have space
* Schedule organizing for high-energy times, set a timer, use logic vs. emotion to decide
* Make a pact with yourself for one-in and one-out to keep clutter away and simplify

* 3 main categories for papers: current files, reference files, archive files – purge regularly and use a color-coded system, toss envelopes
* Start folders for magazine, newspaper clippings for common categories – keep scissors in an accordion file near the reading center, tear out articles vs. keeping the entire magazine
* Before saving papers, think of where you could find the info again, store logically
* Ask to be removed from catalogs and marketing lists, sort mail at the outside trashcan

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< : Less Than Perfect is Just Fine, Thank You

August 19, 0201 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully | By

Since none of us can be perfect, why beat ourselves up trying to get there. You will always have less than some, and more than others. There will always be others with so much more than us and there will always be others with just a fraction of what we have. It’s not necessarily having what you want that counts, but it is really wanting what you have that is key to being happy with your situation.

Survey what is most important and take a look at the things you think you want – are they really what you want or are they what society or neighbors have or what has been expected of people like you to have or want. Striving for perfection leaves us coming up short most of the time, so give yourself a break and know that you’re enough..

Save your energy to put towards things that give you pleasure instead of driving yourself crazy with minutiae. Stop comparing yourself and competing with others, which will only drain your energy. Try competing against your personal best instead to raise the bar on yourself and measure your successes against your past successes. Celebrate your individualism and your abilities in your unique style and forget perfect.

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