Dreaming, Desires and Doing

June 22, 2013 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

Daydreaming is a good thing, bigger dreams bring on a bigger life. . . but only if you are doing something to achieve those dreams. What you want doesn’t just, POOF, appear while you’re sitting on the couch. As one saying goes, “as you pray, move your feet”. That means make a plan and do something about achieving what you want.

Your desires are your homing device signaling your conscious self from your subconscious self about what you truly want in your life. If you have the desire for it, you have the resources for it, period. Thos with bigger dreams attract others into their lives who also have big dreams. I know I’ve posted previously about DECIDING to take action, DECIDING what you want as the indeispendible first step to getting the things you want in your life. You first become aware of what you want  and bring it into your conscious sphere, then you decide if it’s something you want to work for or take action towards.

The Universe takes orders and your thoughts, dreams and desires are your order for the Universe. Fries, baked potato or mashed? Make your decision and step forward in faith in that direction to take action towards what you desire. Without faith in the Universal law and without faith in the process, you keep one foot behind (just in case it doesn’t work like you’ve heard it does) and only one foot forward, and then you’re stuck. Ever feel stuck? Perhaps it’s because you don’t have faith in the process, faith in the Universe and you get stuck stepping out of your comfort zone. More on comfort zones in future posts. You must decide and then jump in with both feet to move you towards your desires and the Universe will conspire in your favor to make it happen. People and opportunties will be brought into your path that you never noticed before once you’re on your true path of your dreams and desires.

You must believe it is possible, because you get what you expect. You must be committed to staying in the positive when you think about and speak about your “I am” statements because anything you say after “I am” will come looking for you.  Avoid the negative in any of your statements that concern you or what you want so you don’t mix up your order with the Universe. Be very clear with your orders to the Universe so there is no question about what you want.

Setting big goals to move you towards your big dreams is the first step in creating momentum and acting on your desires. If you’re ever bored or don’t wake up with a burning desire, then you don’t have a big enough goal. Take stock of your dreams and desires and take 100% accountability for what results from your actions. We create our world around us from what we thought about, did and created in the past. Our choices of yesterday created our today.

We created it – not the economy, not your mother, not the job, not your family, not any other misfortune. We did. We create our reality – 100% accountability. Sometimes it sucks to be respsonsible for all that. It sure is easier to blame the economy or where you live or your boss, or colleagues or kids or whatever, but the buck really stops with us. We must take 100% accountability for our choices, our outcomes, our dreams, desires and what we do about them. You know you’re on the right path towards your true true purpose and the big dreams when your joy is bursting out of you. Your inner guidance system is your joy. Things that bring the biggest joy are in alignment with your purpose and the right dreams and desires in alignment with your purpose – that’s how you know you’re on the right path.

When your dreams and desires and your doing are in alignment with your true life purpose, then all of your actions automatically serve others. It’s when your actions, thoughts, desires and wants are not serving others and only serving you that you should know you are out of alignment. AND it may all fall away because the Universe likes us to serve others and improve the world and expand, not contract and be selfish. Just sayin…..

What are your dreams and desires? Are they big enough to fill your heart? Are they serving others? Or are they only serving you?  When we have a goal big enough, that in the process of achieving it, we become someone worth becoming too.  It may be scary big – why not think BIG to create the momentum and get you unstuck? What are you DOING to move you towards your dreams and desires? It helps to write things down. We have too much swimming in our heads to remember it all. Write down your dreams, who they serve, write down everything you want.

Sometimes it helps to write down everything you DON’T want on one side of a paper and then write the opposite on the other side. Sometimes it’s easier for know what you don’t want than what you do want because society conditions us that way. THEN, what are you doing to get there? What is the gap analysis? What are your goals and objectives to move you in the direction of your dreams and desires? Do you have a plan of action? What is your order to the Universe and do you have faith that it will be delivered and the resources will be made available to you as you need them to make it happen?


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Your New Year Assignment

January 28, 2013 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

So now that you’re past all the partying, whooping it up and forgetting about real life for severl weeks; it’s time to hunker down and get a little more serious about what you really, really, really want out of your life this year. I’m not talking about those crazy resolutions of losing weight, working out more and eating right…. although those may be a part of the plan. I’m talking the deeper stuff, the soul-connection kind of stuff that will move you towards your life purpose. What I call the Hot 100 list.

Writing down, or typing, cutting and pasting or digitally pasting photos, pictures, drawing and coloring AT LEAST 100 things you can do to move your life forward towards your purposeful goals this year. For left brainers and the check-listers; numer your page 1-100 and then write down your desires so you can feel the success when you check them off. For you right brainers, use the Vision Board method and cut and paste to your heart’s content. For the most bang for your buck, do both. And READ YOUR LIST and LOOK AT YOUR VISIN BOARD DAILY. Don’t sock it away on the shelf only to dust it off and look at it next year.

Studies have shown that these images get locked into your subconscious and there is a wee bit of magic that happens as you begin manifesting your list. It must be viewed often to keep it on the top of your mind and let is soak into the back of your mind. Stretch yourself to come up with at least 100. I always have more – there’s just too much to do, see, be to stop at 100. Let it simmer for a while, come back and add more. Some goals can take several years to attain and some can be done in an afernoon – write them down. One of my goals took 27 years to achieve. Don’t forget to celebrate your successes when you can cross one off the list.

As part of your assignment; take the Gratitude Challenge. I dare you to send 30 personal cards to 30 people in 30 days at http://socgratitude.com/9431

What’s really cool is that you can also create your vision board on one of the cards and send it to yourself so you have a portable version. I took a photo of mine and carry it with me on my iphone so when I’m in waiting mode; I can pull up my dreams and desires, read my life purpose, check out my life vision and then do a gap analysis and see what I already have achieved and what I still need to do.

Happy writing and card sending. Report back to me how it went. Cheers!


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Writing Effective Affirmations to Affect Change

September 22, 2012 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

Not all affirmations are created equally. I’ve been doing this and coaching this for several decades and creating effective affirmations is both an art and a science. I wanted to share some tips on writing effective affirmations that will work for you and not against you in manifesting what you want in your life.

1. Start with the words I AM. Whatever follows I AM will come looking for you. The Universe will give you want you ask for. If you’re saying I’m sick and tired of…  Guess what? You will be sick and tired because that is what followed I AM. It takes some practice to convert old habits of saying whatever you’ve been saying behind I AM. This is one of the most powerful lessons in re-programming your mind and your mouth to bring about change in your life. Start with I AM and follow it by positive affirmations of your BE, DO and HAVE. Your subconscious follows that diretive and sets in motion things to make it true.

2. Use words that state the present tense and not the future so it is as if it already is. State it in the now.

3. Be specific – remember that the Universe takes orders directly and so does your subconscious. If you just say I want potatoes. The Universe doesn’t know if it’s French fries, mashed, boiled or baked. Be specific.

4. Involve as many senses as possible to make it real. What does your affirmation feel like, smell like, taste like, look like? What do you feel like when you hear it and say it – what kind of emotion does it involve and elicit? Make it dynamic and moving for you. This is not the time to be ho hum about things. What gets you excited?

5.  State affirmations in the positive and not what you don’t want. If you want peace, don’t march against war, march for peace. Your subconscious needs direct orders – state what you want in a positive way so only the positive image is implied.

6. Keep it short and sweet. No lengthy affirmations with lots of “ands”. If one affirmation gets too long, break it into two.

I hope this is helpful in creating your list of affirmations and manifesting the life of your dreams. I’ve put mine on a card and carry it with me wherever I go and take a peek when I’m in the waiting room or travelling or have some down time to keep them top of mind. Cheers to manifesting your dreams!

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How Self -Talk Affects Success

May 7, 2012 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

What we think about, we bring about and we give energy to what we focus on. So as long as we complain about our current circumstances, our mind will focus on it and keep us stuck. By continually thinking, talking, writing, complaining aobut a current situation; we are continually reinforcing the very same neural pathways in our brain that got us there in the first place.

We need to send different vibrations to our brains and create different neural pathways by thinking, doing, writing about, reading about, speaking about and envisioning the reality that we want to create. If we keep these thoughts on the top of our mind, we can get unstuck and move our way towards the success we want, edging out the old stuff that we don’t want without thinking about it. The way to get unstuck is to take action and actions start with thoughts. We must flood our brain with unconscious thoughts and conscious thoughts and images of this new reality. This is why vision boards or treasure maps of what we want in our lives is so vitally important – to give our brain something to land on.

Stop telling your hard luck story. Stop all the stories that got you stuck or in your current circumstance because it will keep you there. Just shut up about it already. If somebody asks, then all you need to say is that you know more now than you did yesterday and then do what politicians do and change the topic to what you’re doing now and in the future to create your new future. I once started in a join venture with some other speakers and authors to talk about life’s transitions. It became clear to me that if I continued down that path to speak about and write about the tough stories and how it catapulted us into life transitions, that it would keep me stuck in the story. Once I was enlightened to this fact, I immediately and abruptly pulled out of the venture to save my own success and sanity and to stop the story dead in its tracks. One of the best decisions I ever made and in the nick of time before it did any more damage.

Get ouf of the endless negative self-talk loop. The self-talk starts with a thought, then comes out of your mouth or stays in your brain only talking to you, then if affects your self-image and your subconscious takes over and believes what you say and think and then that affects your performance because you believe that’s who you are. If you want to be successful, you must jam the negative self-talk airwaves and replace it with more positive self-talk, beliefs and stop the negative stories. Focus on what you want and not on what you don’t want.

One way to do this is to do a vision board. I have created one inside my medicine cabinet so I see it at least twice per day when I brush my teeth and get ready for the day and when I get ready to turn in for the night. I start my day with images of what I want my day and my life to look like and I have those images fresh in my brain to dream about when my mind is most receptive to images. I also have created a tri-panel card from BizBuilderCards.com that I carry with me in my purse so when I’m waiting in lines or have some extra time, I look at the photos and read my affirmations. I’ve also taken photos of my vision boards and carry it with me on my Iphone.

Another way is to write down positive affirmations  in the present tense, as if they already happened. If you writ them in a negative fashion of what you don’t want, it puts that image in your brain and you start focusing on that. If you write in a future tense, your subconscious will always keep it in the future, just out of reach. Start focusing on who you are now, who you want to be, what you want to do and what you want to have. Be, Do, Have. It must start with Be. Be the person you want to be and do the things you want do to and then you will have the things you want to have. It starts with thoughts and self-talk about who you want to be and your subconscious and your body and your life will follow.

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Success Leaves Breadcrumbs

February 7, 2012 | Posted in Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

Success is all around you and it isn’t happening in a vacuum. If you want a shortcut to success, follow the breadcrumbs of those who have been along the path. You can see the breadcrumb trail leading to others’ success and what may seem to be an overnight sensation; was really a result of many years of breadcrumbs leading up to one moment when you, or the world, became aware of the hard work and choices leading up to the point of awareness of success.

If you want to find success, follow the breadcrumbs of those who have been there and seek their guidance. Look for those in an industry where you have talent, passion, interest, and a burning desire to be successful. A path that is in true alignment with your purpose and essense. One that holds the ways and means of what your life’s work is meant to be. It doesn’t mean grunting it out in a profession just because your parents want you to do it, or because the experts said it was a current industry darling where you can make some money. Remember in the movie, The Graduate? Plastics was the answer. Nope, not plastics, your true essence and using your gifts and talents to serve the world is the answer.

You don’t have a money problem, you have an idea problem. To get more ideas along the right path; use a shortcut and ask for directions from an expert or successful person who has already travelled the path. Research role models, mentors and coaches who can show you the way and shadow somebody. It will take years off your learning curve and cost much less in the long run by avoiding bad decisions and rabbit holes. It will help you get unstuck with what you’re doing now or not doing to get to success.

Sometimes we get stuck by re-creating the same experience over and over by using the same limiting thoughts, maintaining the same beliefs and doing and thinking the same thing because that’s all we know. We need others who have  already accomplished what we want to shake our thoughts loose and give us a new paradigm of possibilities. We need to replace our limiting beliefs  and loosen our grip of what we “know” to be able to look outside our comfort zone and see what’s waiting for us just outside our zone of comfort. Find somebody who will shake loose those limiting beliefs. Take a good look at what you believe – are they based on truth or just because you’ve always done it or thought it, or that’s the way your parents taught you. I’ll give you a clue….your parents weren’t always right.

Find other role models and coaches who have studied and practiced success. Read about their breadcrumbs, contact them to buy some of their time and listen to what they share on their path to success. Find out what it takes and then start leaving some breadcrumbs of your own. Let me know how I can help you along your path to success and help get you unstuck with your limiting beliefs  so you can enjoy a successful life you deserve.


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Are You in Your Right Livlihood?

March 29, 2011 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

Networking with business owners and professionals over the past couple months raised some questions about who is working in their right livlihood and who is not. Being a customer in any retail establishment or restaurant,you can almost sense who is in alignment with their right livlihood as sales people or servers. You know how they greet you and their demeanor if they like being there or if they’re just passing the time until they can clock out.

Think of Susan Boyle, the singer who was afraid to show her talent and kept her light hidden until she had the courage to sing in a competition and is now one of the top sellign artists of all time and performing for royalty. Who wudda thunk? What if she never had the courage to listen to her heart? What about you? Do you have the courage to find out your true path? Learn more on a personal consult with me and my business partner or ask for a recording of our telecourse Cracking the Code to Your Calling.

There are so many workers out there who are just passing the time, letting their lives pass by without investigating what it is they really want to do. Or what their soul purpose is in this lifetime. It’s a very easy thing to decode once you know the formula for unscrambling the GPS you hold in your own hands. Your personal GPS, your Greater Purpose System is encoded into your fingerprints before you were born. There is a scientific method of decoding your prints, which are unique to you, and figure out your life purpose, your life lesson and what ‘school’ you’re in for this lifetime. You’re given everything you need to know for following your right path and living your right livlihood. You just need to decode the message. Listen to a free 30-minute teleclass on the 4 different schools of life purpose by sending an email to Gaia@GaiaHart.com and ask for the link.

If you’ve been floundering, wandering about, not knowing if you have a purpose, feeling dull, without passion or fulfillment in your work; then we need to connect. My team and I will be your guides to crack the code to your life purpose, the life lesson that keeps holding you back and showing up and the life school whose curriculum you’re here to learn. Once you know your school, your lesson and your purpose, the rest is easy to figure out. All kinds of variations in your school and purpose can be explored. You’re given the right path to your right livlihood and the experts to help you figure out how you want to travel on your path.

After a 45-minute life purpose analysis of your fingerprints, you’re given your life school, life purpose and life lesson. Afterwhich you’re given a decoder document explaining it all. Then you get another 45-minute session with a personal life purpose coach to help you strategize implementation. All this for under $300 as our gift to you with a savings of $200 off the usual investment.

What is knowing your life purpose worth to you? How much of your life are you willing to spend out of connection with your divine purpose? How many unfulfilled days are you willing to give to somebody else in exchange for a paycheck? If you’re fed up and not going to take it any more, or if you’re just curious if you’re already on the right track to the right livlihood, then send me and email  at Gaia@GaiaHart.com to set up a free pre-coaching call to see if it’s the right fit for you. What have you got to lose, but your the rest of your life?

Looking forward to hearing from you and helping you find your light and your right livlihood to enrich the world and yourself.

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At What Level are You Operating?

February 18, 2011 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

I’ve had umpteen discussions recently with entrepreneurs, execs and employees in transition or in frustration. Most are disgruuntled and seeking higher levels of challenge, free expression, satisfaction and success. The Gallup organization cites that 55% of employees are disengaged and 20% are actively disengaged with a majority of workers actively seeking other opportunities.

When you’re feeling the itch to change something in your career and you don’t know exactly what’s wrong, but you know you’re not happy; then it’s time to uplevel your life and your work. You’re working at a lower level than your capacity. When there’s no more personal or professional growth left in your work, then it’s time to move on to another challenge. If you’re feeling flustered, frustrated or ready to pull your hair out or somebody else’s hair, then you’re on the edge and need to jump up another level to function more in your place of purpose and brilliance and less at your level of competence or routine.

There are several levels at which we operate: inability, ability, talent and brilliance. The level of inability are the areas in which you don’t do well or where you don’t necessarily have an aptitude or competency. You don’t necessarily have any interest in doing these types of things. For me this area is plumbing, taxes and car repair. These areas are better off out-sourced to give somebody else a job who commands that ability.

Your level of ability are areas you can do, but they don’t give you joy and it seems like lackluster busy work. It smacks of mediocrity and you’d be better off out-sourcing these things as well. Housekeeping, cooking or landscaping may be one of your areas.  Or you may revel in gourmet cooking and that is your place of brilliance – it’s all very individual. If you’re working at this level, it seems beneath your talents and you’d get bored or frustrated easily. You may find yourself saying “this is stupid” one too many times.

Your level of talent is where you likely excel, earn income, get praise for what you’re doing and are admired by colleagues, family and friends for what you do. They likely want you to stay at this level because it feels safe and comfortable for them and they like you there. It’s a secure feeling because you know what you’re doing and you’re good at it. Although you may be getting itchy to do something else. You start to feel confined and the chafing of the golden handcuffs or maybe trapped in the lifestyle, but not feeling the joy any more for what you do or who you’re doing it for. You don’t want to lose what you’ve already accomplished in your career, but you’re not happy.

Many stand at the edge of this terror trigger and lose their courage to jump up to the next level of brilliance due to the unknown. Others may not want you to jump because they’re afraid for you. Our subconscious is built on security, survival and safety. Many back down off the ledge and live in their level of talent, a little discontent, a little dull ache for more, feeling “it’s not great, but it’s not that bad – I don’t hate it and I’m better off than most – I should be happy.”

We can start out in a business or a job that fits our place of brilliance at first, but as we learn and grow, it offers less challenge, personal and professional growth and it shrinks down to our levels of talent or ability. Think about Oprah when she decided to start her magazine in addition to her wildly successful talk show and then decided to shut down her show to start her own network. You can bet her first TV show was in her place of brilliance for her capacity at that time and then she expanded her capacity and the show just wasn’t big enough to contain her dream and her brilliance and her purpose. By all accounts, her level of ability far surpasses most mere mortal’s dreams of brilliance. It’s all very personal.

Your purposeful place of brilliance is where you truly shine. It’s exhilarating, joyful, happy and it feels right. It’s where you dreams are made. You are usually richly rewarded for it. It’s where purpose, passion and profits reside. My purpose is to help you find yours. My mission is to help you identify and clarify your mission. Let me know how I can help you uplevel your work and your life to your place of purpose and brilliance – Gail@GailHahn.com.

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Your Place of Purpose & Brilliance: the Tingle Test

February 17, 2011 | Posted in Leading Hartfully, Living Hartfully, Wealthy Woman | By

Uncovering your brilliance isn’t a puzzle to solve. Rather it’s a puzzle to dis-solve. It’s distilling some of the bigger picture things you do when you’re in flow and identifying precisely what you’re doing when you’re in the zone.  Being in the flow is when time disappears and you’re so caught up in the activity and absorbed mentally, that you don’t notice how much time has passed.

Discovering your brilliance can come as subtle hints. Glimmers of insight are good. Pay attention to how you feel and what you’re doing when you’re firing on all pistons. When you’re operating at optimum brain capacity and the challenge meets your unique skills, but doesn’t overshadow your abilities; you’re in flow.

Identify what you’re doing when you’re in your flow and then dissect it and dissolve it down to the pure activity where your unique knowledge, skills and abilities mesh with your sense of purpose. For instance here’s how it may look: enlightening others to discover their purpose and uplevel their work and their lives. Distilling further using my unique abilities: creating innovative ways to wake people up to themselves and attain further self actualization to better serve others. And even further filtered: as a mentor and messenger – creating artful, fun, experiential methods/activities to incite insight in entrepreneurs and execs to live/work in their potential and purposeful place of brilliance and live fully expressed to improve the world.

Some easy ways to find out if the work you’ve chosen is intersecting your purposeful place of brilliance is the Tingle Test. Do you get tingles of excitement when you think about your current business or does it leave you flat? Do you feel energized or exhausted from your work? Does time fly or does it drag on when you’re doing your work? Are you feeling success or strife and struggle? Do you feel fulfilled or frustrated? Are you feeling more or less fully expressed when you’re finished doing your work each day?

If you need guidance in figuring out your place of purpose and brilliance; I can help you uncover your purpose through a scientific method that was put in your hands – your personal GPS, Greater Purpose System. Take the time to write a list of your unique abilities, and the activities when you’re in flow and what you believe to be your purpose and reason for your work. Start the flow of ideas, brainstorm on paper and get the ideas incubating, then contact me to crack the code to your calling and decipher your life purpose to guide you toward the right path so you can pass the Tingle Test.

Your true purpose is in your hands. Send me an email to set up your session which will help you set up your life on the right track. You’ll get two coaching sessions as a jump start to your place of purpose living in the full expression of your brilliance. More later on living at upper levels or lower levels of your capacity.

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